Fmr South Carolina Rep Trey Gowdy appeared on Hannity where he gave a new theory as to what the House Dems are doing. Gowdy claims that House Dems must know that an impeachment attempt is futile since the Senate majority is Republican. The Former Rep instead thinks that the Dems had an ulterior target the whole time, the Senate.
“The process, the three-month-long inquiry investigation was laughable,” Gowdy started to explain. “But they voted. That’s the House’s prerogative. They voted not a single Republican went along with them. In fact, they didn’t even keep all the Democrats. But the House exercised its prerogative and they impeached the president. There is no mathematical way he is ever going to be convicted and they know that. So their goal cannot be to remove Donald Trump from office, it is to neuter his second term. I think he is going to win in November. It’s to neuter that second term by targeting the Cory Gardners and the Martha McSallys and the Thom Tilliss and the Susan Collins and Joni Ernsts because if Trump wins and doesn’t have the Senate then he is not going to get any judicial vacancies filled and he’s not going to replace a Supreme Court Justice if he or she retires. He is not going to get the foreign policy he wants. He is not going to get the cabinet he wants. I never thought this was about removing Donald Trump because they’re not going to do it. It’s about putting Cory Gardner in a really tough series of votes so he has to defend him in November of this fall.”
Hannity later asked Gowdy what the roles of the House and the Senate are in the impeachment process.
“It’s Adam Schiff’s job, if he thinks the testimony of John Bolton is so indispensable then he should have subpoenaed him and the same with Mick Mulvaney and Mike Pompeo and Rudy Giuliani. The Senate’s is to deliberate, it is not to investigate and then deliberate, because if that were true we wouldn’t need the House,” Gowdy answered.
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This makes a lot more sense. The House Dem’s impeachment case is weak at best, so the idea that it is cover for a political attack on the Senate is much more likely.
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