The Biden Admin has shown us how little they care about women’s rights. It was practically day one when Biden decided confused men should be able to enter female locker...
Last year the BLM and Antifa took to the streets and demanded the defunding of the police. They felt that if the police were defunded there would be less brutality....
Dems are showing off their majority with this bill. House Dems have just passed through a bill that is going to drastically change the voting process in their favor. GOP...
Nancy Pelosi and the Dems are trying to take advantage of the Corona Virus as they continuously are trying to add in non-essential measures to the relief bills that have...
The Senate is working to put an end to Pelosi’s stall tactics. The Senators, like the rest of us, want to be done with this unfounded impeachment attempt. Senator Lindsey...
Bitter former Impeachment Manager Rep Jerry Nadler is part of the Dems that are now it seems out for blood. In what could easily be called retaliation, the House Dems...
Trump has finally been acquitted. But it looks like the country is not going to be getting a reprieve from these senseless attacks on the president. Rep Jerry Nadler claims...
The Impeachment Trial is underway and the House Impeachment Managers are throwing out wild accusations. It appears they are upset that they have no power over the Senate, which is...
Dems are once again putting their Trump hate in front of everything else. This time they decided to block a resolution meant to support the Iranian people while condemning the...
The House Dems have been playing games when it comes to the impeachment process. They have been trying to control the Senate as they know their evidence lacking case is...