House Dems Show They’d Rather Back An Authoritarian Regime Than Their Oppressed People

Dems are once again putting their Trump hate in front of everything else. This time they decided to block a resolution meant to support the Iranian people while condemning the leadership for their part in killing 176 people when they shot down the Ukrainian passenger plane. I guess Dems were only in support of the authoritarian leadership.

Consideration and a vote on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s resolution was blocked … by a vote of 226-191,” The Daily Caller reported. “The resolution would have condemned the Government of Iran for killing 1,500 Iranian citizens who were protesting their government, as well as condemned the Government of Iran for shooting down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, killing 176 people.”

“What a disappointment —Democrats just blocked a vote on a resolution supporting the Iranian protestors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted. “This is not the time for partisan politics. This should be a time for the US Congress to speak with one voice to condemn an Iranian regime that kills its ow9n people.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) tweeted: “Why in the world are @HouseDemocrats blocking the @GOPLeader ‘s resolution condemning this Iranian regime for obvious human rights violations? This isn’t complicated. Let’s stand up for the same basic right to free speech in Iran that we have here and vote on this resolution.”

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) told Fox News: “It is a resolution, telling the Iranian people and the protesters in #Iran that we support them, that the American people have their back and as the President of the United States pointed out, warn the regime not to kill these protesters and time and time again they turn the internet off and they kill these protesters. They are standing up for freedom and democracy and we have to stand up for that as a principle anytime we can. Unfortunately, Kevin and I tried to get this to have consideration on the floor just about an hour ago and Democrats shot it down, they would not allow a vote on this resolution.”

It seems Dems only care about human rights when it comes to illegals voters, otherwise, they’d rather back an authoritarian regime.

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  • You are thinking that the media of the US and majority of congress have loyalty to their base, their constituents, that they want to do the right thing on human rights, that rogue regimes need to be restricted, that the people of Iran should be subservient to tyranny, Magnus, they are not, they back aristocrats, totalitary rule, they are the party of restrictive rights, corruption, graft, blue mail, black mail, and communism. They support terrorist regularly, both financially and politically.. This is the party of socialism, corruption, hypocrits, and liars. You can’t recognize them as a legitimacy, Because they are not…

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