We are facing what could be a World War III with this Ukraine-Russia conflict. But Dems are somehow missing the point. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle agree that...
And really this is just common sense but you can’t expect that from Biden. Over 100 GOP Lawmakers signed off on a letter to Biden telling him that he needs...
I guess someone from the GOP couldn’t contain themselves after hearing Pelosi lie to the public about their $1.75 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Pelosi was saying that the Trillion dollar...
The GOP is trying to sound the alarm and warn Americans of an upcoming attack that is pretty much guaranteed. The GOP is referring to how terrorists have previously used...
It looks like even the MSM’s brainwashing is not strong enough to convince Americans that Kamala Harris is fit to serve as president. It is surprising too as you’d think...
It looks like Morning Joe here has something most Dems lack, foresight. Joe Scarborough realized that Dems are doomed in the upcoming 2022 election. He started piecing together all of...
Back during Trump’s presidency, you had Dems like Mad Maxine and Rep Green constantly demanding that Trump be impeached. There was obviously no good reason for it, but they persisted...
CNN is not even trying to appear unbiased anymore. They used to make claims that they were reporting the news which we all knew was a blatant lie but now...
Either that or it’s time to up the dosage. Reid just went off on a slanderous tangent painting the Republicans as evil. She went off the beaten path a bit....
The Democrats are not hiding their intentions anymore when it comes to how they plan to win elections in the future. VP Harris claimed requiring a Driver’s License would prevent...