You know it’s sad when there are multiple answers for this…But in this case, he is referring to how Biden is more concerned about Ukraine than he is about the...
MSNBC decided to talk about elections and race so Nicholle Wallace brought on their expert racist Al Sharpton. Wallace brought up Dem’s favorite person to bash, Trump, and they proceeded...
This is odd. Psaki is supposed to answer questions for the Biden Administration but in this case, she seems to be dodging whether or not the Biden Admin would watch...
Biden has made us look so weak, that Iran thinks they can tell us what to do. It’s all because of the pandering that Biden has been doing. Biden has...
Many people are claiming Trump was drinking when this happened, but they forget Trump doesn’t drink. He’s just no longer holding back. During a recent speech he gave, Trump gave...
Under what rock were they living under that they think Trump was treated nicer than Biden? Biden has been getting the kid gloves non-stop, and that’s probably because even the...
Former Secretary of the State Robert Gates made it clear how he felt about Biden’s leadership, it’s lacking. Gates had some interesting insight into what Biden should have done when...
Dems were constantly complaining about Trump when he was in office. They could not demonize him enough. So you’d think that now that he is out office they would stop...
The families of the brave men and women who died in the Kabul Bombing are of course upset. What parent wouldn’t be? Biden disrespected soldiers when he looked at his...