Libs are outraged that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is about to be replaced by a conservative. They don’t care that Trump picked another woman to replace her. They are afraid that the Supreme Court of The United States is going to be overloaded with conservatives who are going to overturn rulings like their precious Roe v Wade. But it appears not all libs are against Amy Coney Barrett. In fact, anti-Trumper, Noah Feldman, who agreed with House Dems that Trump should be impeached, is now coming to the defense of Barrett claiming she is “highly qualified and deserves to be on the Supreme Court”
Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman is a constitutional scholar and self-described liberal he admits that he doesn’t agree with any of Barrett’s views but think she is brilliant. Feldman said as much in an article he wrote for Bloomberg.
“I disagree with much of her judicial philosophy and expect to disagree with many, maybe even most of her future votes and opinions. Yet despite this disagreement, I know her to be a brilliant and conscientious lawyer who will analyze and decide cases in good faith, applying the jurisprudential principles to which she is committed. Those are the basic criteria for being a good justice. Barrett meets and exceeds them.”
Feldman, unlike many Libs, understands that elections have consequences. He feels it is only natural that a Republican president and Senate would pick a conservative justice. If he was asked who would fit the bill he would hands down pick Barrett.
“Given that reality, it is better for the republic to have a principled, brilliant lawyer on the bench than a weaker candidate. That’s Barrett.
To add to her merits, Barrett is a sincere, lovely person. I never heard her utter a word that wasn’t thoughtful and kind — including in the heat of real disagreement about important subjects. She will be an ideal colleague.”
This is a great endorsement. Feldman doesn’t agree with her on many views, if not every view, but still, he believes Barrett deserves to be appointed.
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