Our country was set up with checks and balances. We have Congress, The Senate, The President, and The SCOTUS. So bills have to pass through quite a few hands before...
Our founding fathers gave us a pretty sweet setup. A constitution that is still applicable today and helps us run our country. But, unfortunately, they didn’t set a max number...
The Biden Administration promised to look into The Supreme Court if they were elected into Office and sadly it looks like they are following through with it. Biden recently put...
Biden announced last week that he is forming a commission to see about packing The Supreme Court of the United States. Dems are upset that the SCOTUS currently has a...
The Election is right around the corner so the American people of course want to know where everyone stands on everything. But Biden and Harris don’t want to divulge what...
Amy Coney Barrett has finally been appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. Most Americans are happy that she was appointed, and are moving on with our lives....
Biden and Kamala Harris have been trying to hide the fact that they want to pack the Supreme Court. During the first debates, Biden and Harris both refused to answer...
The GOP is busy debating over Corona relief packages and meanwhile, the Dems are wasting time trying their best to stop the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett. Senator Chuck Schumer...