Politicians are pointing fingers as to why there hasn’t been a second Corona Relief Bill passed yet. Dems want a $2 Trillion plus bill while the GOP wants a $500 billion bill. Pelosi and Dems refuse to compromise. Trump even had a bill made up that met the two parties in the middle, but Pelosi, despite protests from members of her own party, seems to think it’s the Dems bill or nothing. So of course squad Dem AOC is now blaming the GOP for refusing to pass a Corona relief bill in an attempt to slander Republicans. Senator Ted Cruz saw this and educated her as well as her misguided followers on Twitter.
AOC tweeted the following misleading tweet.
“People across the country are going hungry, COVID is set to explode, and Mitch McConnell dismissed the Senate last week. I don’t know how these people can sleep at night. I really don’t.”
Cruz was quick to respond to the squad Dem.
“Why is your party filibustering $500 billion in COVID relief? And Joe Biden is cheering them on. Thinking that blocking relief somehow helps Dems win Georgia.”
AOC of course responded in her typical oblivious fashion.
The House doesn’t have filibusters,
Cruz was then forced to educate the Dem.
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