Last month there was a rumor going around that this was going to be Pelosi’s last year in office, she was supposedly not running in the upcoming midterm. But it...
Nancy Pelosi is obscenely wealthy. She is no Elon Musk, but still has $50 Million in the Stock Market and brings home over 200k a year as Speaker of the...
I guess someone from the GOP couldn’t contain themselves after hearing Pelosi lie to the public about their $1.75 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Pelosi was saying that the Trillion dollar...
Ice Cream Queen Pelosi got snippy with one reporter for daring to ask her to do her job. The reporter was basically just advising that most Americans had no idea...
Dems love to control the narrative of stories. That’s why last summer when BLM was wrecking cities, the MSM was praising the angelic peaceful protesters. So with this whole Afghanistan...
January 6th was definitely not a great day for America. People raided the U.S. Capitol Building and there were a few deaths. But Leftists are making an outrageous claim about...
Dems only care about what the GOP is doing. Democrats can practically get away with murder and it’s no big deal. But if a Republican does something even slightly shady...
The MSM blamed Trump for the raid on the U.S. Capitol Building. They claimed it was an insurrection and tried to make it out like Trump had instructed his followers...
When we all voted this past November it was between Biden and Trump. That’s who Americans voted for during the primaries. Less than 5% of Dems wanted Kamala Harris, that’s...
The Dems are planning to impeach Trump if they can’t force Vice President Pence to remove him with the 25th amendment. They think they have all the evidence they need...