Rep Van Drew Calls Out Dems For Ridiculous Dictator Conspiracy

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This was not a clear cut election. There were and still are claims of fraud, there were voting machines hooked up to the internet, and odd voting anomalies that make the results suspect. So of course Trump supporters are not immediately backing Biden’s win. But now that the electoral college has voted and the courts have ruled it is time to get back to business as usual. But some Dems are claiming that any House GOP member who backed Trump to overturn the election should not be allowed back into The House. The Dems claim that those GOP members were in effect trying to make Trump a dictator. Rep Van Drew claims these childish Dems are being “absurd.”

Van Drew said as much while appearing on Fox & Friends. He claimed that Dems are just upset that GOP members are worried about the election’s integrity.

Rep. Van Drew said the “important issue is that certain states changed their election laws and the way they went about voting in a very serious and significant way, without the legislature meeting and voting on it.”

“That is unconstitutional, it is not legal, I believe in the rule of law, they absolutely should have had a meeting of those folks obviously that are in the legislature and that is what this suit is all about and that is what this concern is about,” Van Drew said, adding he did not agree with the Supreme Court’s rejection of the challenge.

“The notion that after the people voted for me that I couldn’t sit in the House of Representatives, that you would literally disenfranchise my voters in my district, is an absurd notion.”

This is B.S. on the Dem’s part. Politicians from both sides of the aisle should be worried about the integrity of our election. When there are claims of fraud and election tampering, both parties should want to resolve the claims right away. But instead, Dems just called anyone that brought up concerns crazy Trump supporters and didn’t want to hear it, happy with the result of the election. Rep. Van Drew and any politician that is actually concerned about the validity of the election should be applauded as they are actually serving Americans in trying to ensure the election was on the up and up.

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