McConnell Tells Obama To Keep His “Classless” “Mouth Shut”

Presidents have eight years to get whatever they want done, after that they usually kind of fade into the background occasionally making appearances or endorsing upcoming candidates. There is even a tradition where former presidents don’t badmouth the current president. But of course, Barrack Obama does not adhere to traditions and has been running his mouth when it comes to President Trump. Obama came out against Trump criticizing his leadership during this pandemic whihc has led McConnell to tell him off.

Speaking to alumni of his administration, Obama said he was worried about the “rule of law”, in light of the justice department’s decision to drop its case against the former national security adviser Michael Flynn. That’s the issue at the heart of Trump’s attempts to gin up an “Obamagate” scandal, which on Tuesday morning he again claimed “makes Watergate look small time!”

Obama also said the response to the coronavirus pandemic had been “an absolute chaotic disaster”.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized Barack Obama Monday evening, lashing out days after the former president reportedly described the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus as an “absolute chaotic disaster.”

“I think President Obama should have kept his mouth shut,” McConnell (R-Ky.) told Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, during an online Trump campaign event.”

You know, we know he doesn’t like much this administration is doing. That’s understandable. But I think it’s a little bit classless frankly to critique an administration that comes after you.”

He added: “You had your shot. You were there for eight years. I think the tradition that the Bushes set up of not critiquing the president who comes after you is a good tradition.”

These Dems just can’t handle that Trump is the president and it appears even Obama is struggling to accept our president. But McConnell is right Obama should be supporting our president or keeping his mouth shut. We are all dependent on Trump to lead our country through this pandemic and for the rest of the time he serves America as our president, it doesn’t help our country to continuously attack him, especially when he is doing his best to serve us.

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  • Barack Obuma the Marxist has greatly deviated from the protocol manners of past presidents. He got the rebuke he deserved from Mitch McConnell. Obuma has a lot more to account for in being linked with the Deep State trying to overthrow President Trump in a coup. He may be charge with those crimes if the case is pushed forward.

    • Obama had his college records sealed. He attended Columbia University which has a course in Marxism. I guess it wouldn’t sit well with Americans if they found out that he took the course.

  • These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, AG Barr, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, MSM Fox and the rest of Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! ‪Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs (Mutt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Murkowski, Justice Roberts, Bolton and you know the rest of the traitors) post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!‬

  • You know, God said there would be those that will be jealous of those that do good. Obama did have 8 years to do good, but he and his co-hearts had their minds on other things, other than the people. And now people are wising up to their real agenda and are becoming fed up.

    • I don’t like obama but he was not critical of Trump until Trump just could not leave Obama’s name out of who Trump blamed over and over for the current problems with the pandimic. Sorry it was Trump that disbanded the pandimic task force that would have been the first line of attack. As hard as it is to point a finger at Trump because he has not had a fair shake at being our president he has done a complete crap job with the pandimic.

  • Im getting fed up with all this hate that the Democrats are spreading, my hope is that they lose every seat in the congress and senate. The ones that we are hearing about they are the scum of Washinton DC. Gov. there is at least 4-5 states who could get along ok with out a Democratic gov.

  • Bashing the President that the was legitimately elected by The People, amounts to BASHING THE PEOPLE.

    • But he was not elected by the majority of the people so you logic does not help but they do need to leave him alone and let him be president

  • Obama as well as Bush have critized him so we pick out just one? I am Republican but we have to call a spade a spade he has done a horrible job.

  • The de-frocked Daffodil know’s he will escape justice just like the felonious…. murderous….. Lying Hag Hillary….! In fact Barack is so sure of it …. he openly smokes bags of Shoom while putting his hands up D.C.’s Tranny staffers to enjoy a handful of ball’s & shaft ……!

  • Trump could do what Obozo did during the H1N1 outbreak….maybe even go to the SAME golf courses he did and see who had the better rounds….then months later recognize there is/was an outbreak…

  • “”BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA”” …. doesn’t know any better NOT to follow POTUS “Protocol,” … anyway because he
    Was and Always will be know as the “”””””IMPOSTOR”””””””” ……. plus “””””””MUSLIM,””””””” POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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