Iran General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace Force was recently interviewed and claims there will be more attacks. Hajizadeh claims they will not rest until Americans leave the region.
“Even if we attack every U.S. base, kill Trump, and kill his Secretary of Defense, this would not be enough to avenge the blood of Hajj Qasem (Soleimani.) The blood vengeance for Hajj Qasem should take the form of expelling America’s evil from the region. We should cleanse the region of their accursed presence.”
Hajizadeh added that they will absolutely cleanse the region. He further claimed that Trump “cannot threaten the Iranian people, who sacrificed 300,000 martyrs. Who the hell is he to threaten us? He must order many coffins for his soldiers before making any threats.”
Watch The Clip Below.
General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of IRGC Aerospace Force: Killing President Trump and His Defense Secretary, Attacking Every U.S. Base Would Not Be Enough to Avenge Soleimani’s Blood
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) January 9, 2020
“The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported last week that IRGC Commander-in-Chief Mohsen Rezaee, the Secretary of the Expediency Council, said, “Mr. Trump has crossed the red line. When he crossed the red line, the American soldiers… So far, the revolutionaries emphasized that Israel and Saudi Arabia must be hit, but that the Americans should be avoided. Mr. Trump has now placed U.S. soldiers in front of the sword of the region’s fighters. He did something that is very dangerous to the American military. Now, all the fighters have permission to shoot at American soldiers wherever they may see them. Mr. Trump has placed all the armed forces of America in a conflict. This is something he has not done before.”
General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, IRGC made a similiar claim.
“…the U.S. is not safe anywhere in the world – not only in Iran and Iraq, but in the other Islamic countries as well. America has no security anymore,” Naqdi said. “Many young people now have the motivation to attack it. Until now, they would live their lives, and pass right next to America’s nest of spies [embassy] in their country. Starting tomorrow, or even today, they will view this nest of spies differently.”
I hope this is just more posturing as Iran TV claimed that they killed 80 Americans the other night when they fired over a dozen missiles at us. But if it’s not perhaps Trump went too easy on them with the Sanctions.
Talk is cheap I don’t think this idiot should talk that way He may have one waiting for him already He will never know just Soleimoni didn’t know These are bad people and they do very bad things in the world They are the problem with Israel They are paying for terror in the world with our tax dollars Does anyone want to thank Obama for all of his efforts to bring radical islam to your community and mine It’t ok Obama will pay for his misdeeds if not now he sure will when he goes to hell
Well sand boy we have the means to totally obliterate your country without the use of nukes. Can you say M.O.A.B. just for beginners? While you have very little to prevent that outcome. It is not the USA walking on eggshells, it is you walking on thin air!
Turn IRAN into a deserted sand box give them no warning and blow them off the map then distribute the wealth among the world,. OIL …
This chicken farmer sounds like pelosi, tom hanks, Jim kimmel, obama, whopi goldberg and fifty other idiots that have NEVER APOLOGIZED OR LEFT AMERICA. This muslim talks big once all our money has been spent on missiles to point at us.
Didn’t Saddam Hussein make the same threat prior to Gulf War 2? Or was it Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry Reid? I keep getting the rants of Islamic dictators and Democratic Party leaders confused.
Does this rag head think our troops will attack ? Ask the last general about that . You won’t even know you been hit till your in hell having drones shoved up your wazoo . We don’t even have to be there to make dust out of you . by the way … there is no virgins waiting for you In hell
You are talking big talk there fellow.
he is sooo brave and terrible as he hides away from battle…and when bombs fall he will run to his safe place with the money stolen from the Iranian citizens