A huge revelation came out Thursday regarding the Clinton email scandal.
During Peter Strzok’s testimony with the Judiciary Committee, he admitted that the FBI did now have access to emails related to the Clinton Foundation.
But it’s not just that they didn’t have access to them, they were bribed to not have them uncovered.
According to Fox News,
The Justice Department “negotiated” an agreement with Hillary Clinton’s legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript.
Republicans late last year renewed their efforts to probe the Clinton Foundation, after tax documents showed a plunge in its incoming donations after Clinton’s 2016 presidential election. The numbers fueled longstanding allegations of possible “pay-to-play” transactions at the organization, amid a Justice Department probe covering foundation issues.
Under questioning from Judiciary Committee General Counsel Zachary Somers, Strzok acknowledged that Clinton’s private personal email servers contained a mixture of emails related to the Clinton Foundation, her work as secretary of state and other matters.
General Counsel Zachary Somers asked Strzok, “Were you given access to [Clinton Foundation related] emails as part of the investigation?”
To which Strzok responded, “We were not. We did not have access. My recollection is that the access to those emails were based on consent that was negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton.”
Of course we know the whole “investigation” was a gimmick and there was never and real desire to do anything damaging to Hillary Clinton. Even Rep. Jason Chaffetz mentioned, “What’s bizarre about this, is in any other situation, there’s no possible way they would allow the potential perpetrator to self-select what the FBI gets to see. The FBI should be the one to sort through those emails — not the Clinton attorneys.
They didn’t go make a deal with anyone in Trump’s orbit. They seized it. They used guns and agents — and just went in there and took it.
The Clinton Foundation isn’t supposed to be communicating with the State Department anyway. The foundation — with her name on it — is not supposed to be communicating with the senior officials at the State Department.”
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