This one ought to get your blood boiling. Every single Democrat is trying to start a revolution and I promise you, it’s not going to turn out well for them.
This time, Democratic presidential hopeful Cory Booker talked badly about the Founding Fathers of this fine country we live in.
Booker said in an interview with NPR, “The founders were imperfect geniuses. They wrote a lot of our bigotries into (the Constitution).”
Booker didn’t go any further and explain what those supposed “bigotries” are, but of course, he wouldn’t, Democrats never make sense or back anything up with facts. All they ever do it say something stupid and move on to the next stupid thing that needs said.
“If you think about how we have overcome those things, it’s always been by creating, first, calls to consciousness, speaking truth about the injustices, and then bringing together those uncommon coalitions,” Booker said.
You can listen to the audio below:
This created a lot of debate on social media:
Corey Booker we aren’t changing the Constitution. Do you know the Constitution is the law of the land? Your radical statement of bigotries in the Constitution are slanderous. Looks like all 2020 radical socialist dems will say or do anything that puts them in the spotlight. – Bonnie Skjonsberg
Corey Booker we aren't changing the Constitution. Do you know the Constitution is the law of the land? Your radical statement of bigotries in the Constitution are slanderous. Looks like all 2020 radical socialist dems will say or do anything that puts them in the spotlight.
— Bonnie Skjonsberg (@LeRoyMyLove) March 11, 2019
There is no place in our form of government for people like AOC, Harris, Omar,Booker and others. Whether you are A Dem or Rep you are sworn to uphold the laws of the Constitution. NO EXCEPTIONS. IF YOU CANT DO IT – GET OUT – jeff Morse
There is no place in our form of government for people like AOC, Harris, Omar,Booker and others. Whether you are A Dem or Rep you are sworn to uphold the laws of the Constitution. NO EXCEPTIONS. IF YOU CANT DO IT – GET OUT
— jeff Morse (@jeffMorse14) March 8, 2019
I have been warning – they are after the Constitution and America’s founding principles. – Kevin Shipp
I have been warning – they are after the Constitution and America's founding principles.
— Kevin Shipp (@Kevin_Shipp) March 7, 2019
Kevin is absolutely right, they are indeed after our Constitution and our freedoms. Democrats want a fundamentally different America. An America different than the one that has made us the greatest nation in the world, and more like the socialist and communist nations that fall time and time again.
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