Warren Callously Says No To Conceal Carry Despite How Many Lives It Would Save

Just the other day a man entered a church and opened fire during a church service. If it were not for the brave gun owners who took action there is no telling as to how many would have been killed. This is why concealed carry is so important. These brave citizens saved their neighbors and everyone should have the ability to defend themselves in this kind of situation. But apparently Elizabeth Warren feels otherwise.

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren responded to the heroic actions of the man who stopped the church shooting in Texas on Sunday by announcing that she would not support universal conceal carry even if the person had to be vetted by the government and obtain licensing.

The Democrat senator from Massachusetts made the remarks on Thursday while campaigning in Concord, New Hampshire.

An audience member brought up how Jack Wilson acted heroically during the shooting and stopped the attacker within just a few seconds and saved countless lives as a result.

“Will you support a universal conceal carry law for everyone in the country who’s willing to be licensed and checked by the government?” the person asked.

“No,” Warren responded as she repeatedly shook her head.

The shooting on Sunday lasted only seconds before Jack Wilson, the head of the church’s volunteer security team and a firearms instructor, fatally shot Kinnunen. A livestream of the church service showed the gunman getting up from a pew and talking to someone at the back of the church before pulling out a gun and opening fire.

In this still frame from livestreamed video provided by law enforcement, churchgoers take cover while a congregant armed with a handgun, top left, engages a man who opened fire, near top center just right of windows, during a service at West Freeway Church of Christ, Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, in White Settlement, Texas. (West Freeway Church of Christ/Courtesy of Law Enforcement via AP)

“The only clear shot I had was his head because I still had people in the pews that were not all the way down as low as they could. That was my one shot,” Wilson told reporters outside his home in nearby Granbury on Monday.

Within six seconds, the gunman was down, bleeding “profusely” from his head after Wilson fired one round. He told reporters on Monday he then pulled the shotgun away from the man’s body as he was “twitching” and stood over him in case the shooter tried to get up, which he did not.”

Warren is just another Dem that is refusing to accept how important the second amendment is. These churchgoers were lucky that they didn’t share Warren’s views or a lot more would be dead. But I guess Warren doesn’t care about things like that…

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  • She is such a nut case that she won’t be elected. She keeps throwing wild crap out there hoping something will work, but isn’t smart enough to see how ridiculous she really is.

    • As long as her audience is liberals who know little to nothing about self-defense and are ignorant of the safe handling and use of a firearm, she will continue to pander. She is a pure politician – pandering 101 is part of their career education. Our problem, real problem, is career politicians. They have made themselves a new class of people, sorta like the Hollywood types. It is that elitist attitude that we must fight. They think they can make life decisions for all the rest of us “Ignorant, under-educated American’s”. Term limits is a beginning. We also need to find a way to make the cost of running for office affordable for those with less monetary wealth. One should not need to beg for dollars to run for office. Lastly we need to break up this two party system where life long politico’s (power seekers) decide who we get to choose from as candidates – especially at the National level

  • That denial is just as bad as pulling the trigger on someone. She would literally stand over you and play GOD with YOUR life to satisfy her deranged beliefs. WOuld she sacrifice herself to a killer just so that no one else could have a firearm for protection? Someone needs to ask her THAT question.

  • Maybe if one of her own was in that church, oh what am I saying you have to love God and country, to be in a church, unless you are a hateful being who fears God and Christians, like Warren does.

  • Sackageewow which means, “lil flat chest” has I’m sure someone protecting this rack of bones with weapons that our Forefathers wanted us to abide by.

  • Warren is just another crazy old liberal socialist,that we don’t need as a president,she should go to S.America and run there,any one who is anti 2nd amendment is ANTI AMERICAN and should not run for any office,this isn’t England or Russia,WE DON’T NEED PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN OUR FREEDOM LOVING AMERICA,pack up and leave.

  • In a perfect world there would be no need for self defense nor protection of innocent lives. MOST of us realize that we do NOT live in that perfect world, well except for folks like lieawatha. Thus it is incumbent on us mere mortals to be able to defend our selves and those innocents among us. And yes, that would even include the likes of dizzy lizzy/

  • Of course she doesn’t care- the potential victims in the church shootings were most likely Republicans.

  • Just by negation Warren is supporting Concealed Carry by the criminals since she cannot control that sector of the population. She is OUT!!!

  • They cheer her answer out of sheer ignorance. Any of them who might have been in the church during the shooting just might have a different response. The key to the question was licensed, checked and trained. Training is a part of the licensing process. Universal concealed carry is only dangerous for the criminal when a person who does carry has been trained properly. So Warren’s categorical “NO” is an answer based on ignorance.

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