Sen Cruz And Rep Omar Lock Horns Over Iran General’s Death

We retaliated on Iran after they attacked our Iraq based American Embassy. We sent Iran a message when we took down one of their Generals that has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. But Dems don’t seem to understand that. They are upset that we would dare defend ourselves. Hollywood, of course, lashed out about it and there was a frenzy on social media. Senator Ted Cruz tried to talk some sense into some liberals, like House Dem Omar and found that he would be better off talking to a brick wall.

Senator Cruz and Rep Omar’s exchange started after Omar responded to Rep Murphy’s comment which was odd considering his previous tweets.

On New Year’s Eve Murphy tweeted the following:

“The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.”

He was bashing Trump claiming he made us look weak, so of course, when Trump took action Murphy had a change of heart. 

“Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question. The question is this – as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?”

You just can win with these Dems… This is when Omar chimed in saying she would oppose a war with Iran.

“So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction? Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will.”

Cruz reminded Omar:

“According to the Obama Department of Defense, Qasem Soleimani was a terrorist directly responsible for the murder of over 500 US servicemen & women. Why are congressional Dems outraged that he’s finally dead?”

Omar shot back at Cruz.

“We are outraged the president would assassinate a foreign official, possibly setting off another war without Congressional authorization and has zero plan to deal with the consequences. But of course, you know that.”

Omar doesn’t care what happens to Americans, she has already made that clear with her 9/11 comment. So, of course, she would bash Trump taking out a General that has killed hundreds of Americans. And to say she would vote against a war makes me worry it could end up another police action like Viet Nam or the weird rules of engagement we had over in the middle east. But hopefully, it will not come to that and Iran will realize they made a mistake.

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  • if Trump had waited for congressional approval, there would have been deaths because as usual they DO NOTHING!!! it would have been another benghazi, you stupid imbelciles..demoncraps are truly pathetic…and one more thing, f**k you Omar, I can’t wait for you to be out

  • And so it goes, We were emasculated by obama’s regime and that liar sent billions of dollars to iran to appease the terrorist country and help fund nuclear capabilities. President Trump didn’t BOW to any country, but dumbocraps call him weak and he made the country impotent. omar(the problem child) says, “… no one fears us.” Speak for yourself omar(the problem child). If our Embassies are attacked..”That’s expected”?? ???. Omar, WHEN WE RETALIATE, That should be expected. Omar(the problem child), The human beings attacked at MY EMBASSY are MY brothers and sisters. MY Military FAMILY!!!!! Poke the BULL with a stick and GET THE HORNS! God Bless Texas, God Bless America and God Bless President and First Lady Trump. hooyah

  • You have to look at this from the Democrats prospective- The troop Soleimani killed most likely vote Republican. Heck, if they could, some Democrats would shoot Republicans themselves.

  • Alexandra Occasional Cortex is a real horse’s ass and has the face of a horse to match.. She’s too stupid to know that Trump has the legal authority to do what he did and she’s not important enough to know what plans Trump has to handle any consequences. The voters in her NY district need to wake up and vote her the hell out of office in the 2020 election.

  • The demonrats and especially the 2 jihadi congress women would rather Trump send them money for further terrorist actions against Americans like Obutthead did. Why are those 2 jihadis still in congress? They are ruining our beloved country and dragging the crazy jackass party even further to the left.

  • Mr. Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. There’s no satisfying the rotten sore loser democrats.

  • i respect cruz as much as any politician, but this is stupid. you cannot talk sense to most dems let alone those who side w/ terrorists and refuse to leave their cult once they’ve been allotted the american dream.

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