Transman And NonBinary (Confused Lesbians) Get Sperm Donation From Transwoman To Have A Baby

This is just how ridiculous this social trend has become. In this story, a transman, Reuben Sharpe, and a woman, Jay, who identifies as nonbinary, decided they wanted to have a baby. The transman wanted to have it, but they needed a donor, so they went to a trans woman to get a donation and had a trans doctor fertilize Sharpe. They apparently stuck to the trans community as much as possible for this pregnancy…

“…Reuben Sharpe today tells how HE gave birth to a miracle baby in Britain’s most modern family. The 39-year-old transitioned to a man 12 years ago. But he still had maternal instincts and six years ago stopped taking testosterone in the hope of one day having a child. And that dream came true when he and partner Jay had a bouncing baby. Jay is non-binary – so does not identify as male or female. The sperm donor was a trans woman… and even the DOCTOR was transgender.

And while a handful of other UK men have fallen pregnant after transitioning from a woman, Reuben and Jay are among the first couples to speak out about their remarkable journey. Little Jamie arrived three months ago and the family has just enjoyed the best of Christmases.

Beaming with pride, wedding photographer Reuben says: “It’s taken six years to get this far, but now we have a baby in our arms and that was the end goal. I finally feel complete.“It wasn’t that I was desperate to have the birthing experience or pregnancy experience, but I wanted a child and I had the facility to do it.

“Reuben explains how he began living as a man in 2007 – taking male hormones which left him with a beard, deep voice and masculine features. But realizing he wanted a baby, Reuben spoke to a trusted trans doctor about the possibility of falling pregnant. He was reassured it was possible as he still had his womb and ovaries. So he took a break from his testosterone medicine to enable him to undergo fertility treatment. Reuben met fellow wedding snapper Jay, 28, in a pub and the pair hit it off. Jay – who is referred to as them or they rather than he or she – has had a double breast removal.

“Reuben and Jay had to consider who could act as the sperm donor. They Facebooked a contact who is a trans woman but can still produce sperm. Reuben adds: “I thought they would be perfect. “Sperm donation is a big decision to make, but when we asked the donor, it felt so right. We sent a message on Facebook to ask.”

Jay and Reuben chose to have IUI, which means the sperm was inserted into Reuben’s womb by a doctor at a private fertility clinic. Three rounds of treatment cost £6,000.

They eventually became pregnant and found that many eyes were on them. Doctors and people would often avoid pronouns and gender as much as possible when dealing with the pair understandably.

“It felt uncomfortable and made us sad because it was happening at such important times when we were going to see our baby. Both of us just wanted a normal experience.”

Sharpe claimed he very much enjoyed the experience though.

“I actually liked my pregnant body and liked being bigger. It was very affirming and I really enjoyed it – I’m a man and I get pregnant. There’s a lot of changes to go through but I felt free of that.

Reuben says: “Like with many things, people have got it into their heads ‘this is a female thing, this is a male thing’. Having a child is male, female, everyone.

“I don’t think pregnancy is the ultimate female experience, therefore it didn’t challenge me as a man.

A man can not have a baby… This is just biology. Just the fact that Sharpe can make the claim that he can get pregnant negates the male pronoun. But this is Britain and they have reached the next level of acceptance when it comes to the trans community. This is Amerca’s future, a bunch of social identities complicating a simple story of a lesbian couple wanting a baby.

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  • A man didn’t have a baby. A gender confused person that is a biological female had a baby. You can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig. No matter how or who twist this doesn’t change absolute facts, having “trans” to identify your gender doesn’t change biology.


      THAT KID is in for a shock!

    • Did you think Trans people, believe they can actually, change their sex? If so— you’re a moron. Trans people could teach the likes of yourself about human-anatomy & physiology. That is— IF you’re teachable. My point? When people spew horse-crap like what you have said, it only solidifies the fact that, YOU are a simpleton and believe YOU are teaching us all something per biology. Question— what is the largest thing YOU have ever done in your whole life? Is it larger than, getting a “sex-change?” Because, thats pretty big. And when I say “sex-change”.. is about **for all practical purposes**.. as even blatant idiots know one cannot really change their sex. Thank you, for the news-flash.. Dr.

    • Awww.. how compassionate and loving. Count your blessings that, you were born body/brain congruent. Not everyone is like you in that sense. However, everyone deserves “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” And if a female feels conviction of the need to take testosterone.. have here breasts removed and have “addadicktome” surgery… then, so be it. You call them freaks. But, the world is full of freaks. The world is full of people like yourself. Ignorant simpletons who speak of things they know nothing about. You seem to be pretty messed up. Question— are you a born-again believer on Jesus Christ as your Savior? If not, you’re going to Hell for eternity. One of Gods many promises. And He keeps His promises. And whether you are or you’re not… you are no better than anyone else.


    Biology is a SCIENCE and is controlled by very tight SCIENTIFIC RULES OF EVIDENCE.

    Biological SCIENCE PROVES there are TWO, AND ONLY TWO Genders.

    BOTH, AND ONLY THOSE TWO are Required for the Continuation of the Species. No other can, or DO ‘exist’ in nature except in the mindless ranting of poorly educated whiners and crybabies that stopped any further sexual maturity with their first orgasm.

    While they may make claims, THEY HAVE NO ACTUAL SCIENCE to support their temper tantrums.

    The same SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY also proves that Conception REQUIRES a Living Sperm, from the Male of the Species, and a Live Ovum from the Female of the Species.
    Without BOTH Conception CANNOT OCCUR Proving beyond ANY DOUBT that LIFE PRECEDES CONCEPTION.

  • Dear Queer people.

    Not being rude, just straight forward and honest with you.

    Science is a real thing, so here goes.

    Sex has two separate functions:

    PROCREATION: For the continuation of the Species.

    REcreation to ensure the PRIMARY ROLE of sexual intercourse.

    For Conception to occur, there needs to be a Living Sperm Cell from the Male participant, AND a Living Ovum from the Female Participant, thus LIFE PRECEDES Conception.

    There are ONLY TWO Genders, because any more are Unnecessary for the PRIMARY FUNCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS.

    Now, all this ‘sciencey stuff’ may seem scary and hurtful, but it is REAL SCIENCE and if you don’t like it, then that would make you a SCIENCE DENIER and you don’t want to be a SCIENCE DENIER do you?

    • Wow! Really? So, people don’t hatch from eggs? Do YOU think God created sex for only 2 functions? No.. He didn’t. Ever heard of “pleasure” and “making love?” Did you miss the part about these two receiving a sperm donation from an outside source? Think about this— Not all males can get a woman pregnant. And not all females can bear children. These people are not denying science. And yes, there are indeed, only two (2) genders/sexes… male and female. And one of these went from one, to the other. For all practical purposes, you see? No one can really change sex. Thanks, for the biology booster. Its been a long time since I was in the 6th grade. And I am far from being a spring chicken.

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