Twitter In Frenzy Over CNN Pundit Calling Trump A Negligent “Retard”

CNN Pundit and a senior advisor to The Lincoln Project, Sophie Nelson, decided to go after Trump calling him a “retarded a**.” Twitter, of course, blew up as many were upset with her language and demanded she delete her post. But she was not having it and at first refused to take it down.

But she was not done there, Nelson doubled down even after she was called out on Twitter.

“This is a great hit job you guys are attempting because I called Trump a “retarded ass.” He is that. This has zero references to disabled or special needs persons. Also, I am not an office holder.”

captured from twitter

In another post, she tried to further justify her tweet.

Sir with all due respect you want to be outraged. So why not at my tweet going after the behavior of a foul President who everyday does what you describe below. Everyday!

Yes. In America, you can use words that are in public discourse, colloquiums, in the dictionary. Yes.”

It took a while but a critic finally did get through to her and she only then deleted her post.

“As the father of an amazing special needs child, it breaks my heart to see people continue to hurl the R-word as an insult. Hoping

@IAmSophiaNelson can learn from this and be better moving forward,” Evan Rosenblum posted.

Nelson in response removed it but was not necessarily sorry.

“I will delete the tweet cause you guys just can’t help yourselves! I respect your concern.”

The Lincoln Project is an anti-Trump Republican super PAC formed by George Conway, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver and Rick Wilson. It is dedicated to “defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box.”

The learning curve was amazing here, she should have just deleted the post she knew she was in the wrong. She should not be slighting the president like that nor using language like that. But maybe this behavior is somehow tolerable on a network like CNN.

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  • Liberalism is a mental retardation disorder that afflicts young and old, rich and poor, cross party lines, Millennials and you know the rest. Leading the libtards are Shiff for brains,Bella Pelosi,Mutt Romney,Hillary,Waters,the squad, all the libtards running for President! The view and worst of all the treasonous RINOs! These are just some of the poster girls in the godless deranged Satanist Muslim NAZI Commie Demoncrat party!Stop these traitors/weirdos from turning the US into godless shit holes like the lib run cities..

    • Exactly right b Bud. I believe this lowlife tramp was a product of inbreeding! Somethings not right with
      her brain..

  • Just another moron who’s trying to make it big (despite the fact that she has the IQ of my shoe size) by saying the politically correct things.

  • This woman was not out there yapping away when Obama was playing golf for six almost seven month during the H1N1 outbreak that could of be a whole lot less if our borders were secured but Obama and democrats demand they be open thus allowing ground zero Mexico to allow illegals to carry it across the open borders and infect and kill thousands of Americans. No, not once did we hear anyone in the MSM going after Obama and he has more blood on his hands than Trump will ever have. Benghazi, leaflets drop over a war zone warning our troops were coming, and his gun running arming the drug cartels in Mexico causing countless people to lose their lives. Democrats never admit to their crimes. NY democrats for encouraging their citizens to ignore the advice of Trump, the same in how many democratically run states now dealing with coronavirus with the largest count and numerous citizens deaths? Time for the fools to sit down and shut up and that includes Pelosi who also encouraged people to gather in large groups and ignore Trump’s social distancing advice. Remember this and vote Trump 2020.

  • Trump is still President of the United States and Nelson still is, and always will be, a nobody on a cable program that has an average viewership lower than the Cooking channel.

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