States are practically shutting down due to this pandemic. Georgia has put through a “Shelter in Place” order which will force residents to stay home for everyone except for essentials workers and many other states are following suit. But despite the efforts of many states to flatten the curve and practice social distancing, there are other states that don’t seem to understand the importance namely Wisconsin. Wisconsin is still planning on holding their Primaries come April 7th endangering Americans with this novel virus.
“On March 25, Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers issued a stay-at-home directive to the state’s residents, telling them to avoid “unnecessary trips” and limit travel “to essential needs like going to the doctor, grabbing groceries or getting medication.”
“The power to postpone the primary lies, technically, with the state legislature. And the state legislature is resistant to changing the date because Tuesday is not just a presidential primary but also one for state and local offices — and there are concerns that some down-ballot offices will be vacant if the primary is postponed.”
And surprisingly holding the primary election is not even that unpopular of an idea as “51% said it should be moved while 44% want the primary to stay on April 7.
It is negligent to even think about holding the primary during this pandemic. It seems they kind of know better too, as they have a stay at home order in place. So it’s odd that they would think gathering large masses of people would be the right move. Reports already say that if they were to hold the Primary election they would be understaffed and most people would not even turn, so how could anyone even take their results seriously?
Now when the CONSTITUTION says when elections must be held, where is the choice but to move forward with it, but some would find reason to condemn Democrats if the did anything, disagreeing with ones ideals is not a reason to condemn making a wider split in this USA, I am sure Putin just loves the people who are doing this exactly what Russia has been trying to do since just afterWWII, sow division in this USA and maiking it so our allies no longer trust the USA, and a lot of that is done by a few persons stirring the pot.
There are exceptions to every rule and law. To hold a primary that endangers thousands of people and may kill hundreds is one of those exceptions. So it is a week, two weeks or two months later that it is held no one will die because it is postponed but how many may die because it was not? Take a good look at the democratic states that ignored the guidelines to avoid the spread of this virus. The ten states with the highest count and most deaths are run by democrats. Is that what you want? It is not a democrat or republican thing but a real threat to citizens lives and taking action to prevent it is the right thing to do not what democrats have been doing including Pelosi and that is encouraging people to meet in large groups even for something such as a primary. Think about it, later primary and lives possibly saved or go forward and lives possibly lost. Which is more important?
Nothing is worth endangering the lives of fellow citizens. A primary can be held a week to two months or so down the road but to chance infecting thousands of citizens and possibly killing hundreds for a primary is insane. It isn’t political or party BS it is a concern for the people of our nation. Look at the states that encouraged citizens to ignore the guidelines to prevent this virus. Wide spread and thousands of our citizen sick or dying. No one will die if the primary is held after the crisis abates but how many might if states ignore the guidelines and encourage people to become exposed doing something that is not a life and death situation?