With more and more women coming out and accusing former Vice President Joe Biden of inappropriate touching and behavior it should really trigger out senses to look for certain things.
One thing is whether or not these women are credible, and secondly how the liberals are treating this situation.
With Joe Biden being the target this time, the Democrats true colors are showing and they’re not pretty.
Let’s take the prime example of Alyssa Milano.
She’s been in the spotlight a little too long recently and getting new coverage she frankly doesn’t deserve, but let’s look at what she has been saying about this incident, these women, and Joe Biden himself.
“I am proud to call Joe Biden a friend. He has been a leader and a champion on fighting violence against women for many years, and I have been fortunate to accompany him to events with survivors where he has listened to their stories, empathized with them, and comforted them.
That’s who Joe Biden is – a warm, generous individual who believes its on all of us to pay attention to women’s stories and experiences.
Biden started Its On Us because he believes to meaningfully change our culture, everyone – including those often left out of the conversation like college athletes and fraternity brothers – needed to be part of the movement.
Joe Biden’s response that he never meant to make anyone uncomfortable and that he’ll listen and learn from anyone who says otherwise is exactly the leadership we need to build a culture where women are heard and are equal.
I respect Lucy Flores’ decision to share her story and agree with Biden that we all must pay attention to it. But, just as we must believe women that decide to come forward, we cannot assume all women’s experiences are the same.
I believe that Joe Biden’s intent has never been to make anyone uncomfortable, and that his kind, empathetic leadership is what our country needs. Especially now.”
That’s funny, because last year when it was Brett Kavanaugh being accused by Christine Blasey Ford, who proved to be a very non-credible witness and accuser, Milano said of the situation, “If professor Christine Blasey Ford is to be believed, and I believe she is, Brett Kavanaugh is a sexual predator.”
This is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy.
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