Dems Make Move To Get President Trump’s Tax Returns From IRS

Democrats have been after Donald Trump’s tax returns ever since he was campaigning for president.

Now they have asked the Internal Revenue Service for 6 years of tax returns from President Trump, and he had a very understated reaction when the news was broken to him Wednesday.

“The chairman of the Democratic House Ways and Means Committee moments ago asked the IRS for six years of your tax returns,” asked a reporter.

President Trump had the perfect response.

“Is that all?”

“That’s all,” the reporter answered.

“Oh. Usually it’s ten, so I guess they’re giving up.”No, we’re under audit, despite what people said,” he continued, “and we’re working that out as I’m always under audit it seems.”

“And I’ve been under audit for many years because the numbers are big and I guess when you have a name, you’re audited,” he said. “But until such time as I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that, thank you.”

I’ll never understand why the Democrats are so dead set on getting President Trump’s tax returns. What is it even going to prove? What are they planning on doing with them even if they could obtain them from the IRS?

It’s not going to be anything good for the Democrats. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if President Trump has just been keeping them all along and not saying anything about them, just to have all this blow up in their faces in the end just like it did Rachel Maddow.

Rachel Maddow was able to obtain a copy of his 2005 tax returns in which he paid $38 million in taxes on earnings of $150 million. And that is in addition to whatever he may be paying in sales tax, excise taxes, and employment taxes.

What made the moment even more hilarious was that President Trump released them before she was able to reveal them herself.


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