It looks like Dems are finally seeing Creepy Joe for the hair-sniffing presidential candidate that he is. It only took an evidence rich allegation to destroy Biden’s credibility. I guess the abundance of gaffes that make it seem like he is losing his marbles are somehow a nonfactor…
“More than a quarter of Democrats who were shown former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s recent denial that he sexually assaulted a former staffer want someone else to be the party’s presidential nominee, according to a survey released on Monday. Twenty-six percent of Democratic voters who were shown a 35-second video clip of Mr. Biden’s unequivocal denial that he sexually assaulted Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer, want the apparent nominee to be replaced by someone else, according to the Morning Consult poll.
“Support for replacing Biden atop the ticket was driven by the party’s youngest voters, a group that mostly backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Democratic primary and is more likely to view the former vice president with skepticism. Forty percent of Democrats under the age of 45 said the party should pick a different nominee, compared to 15 percent of those ages 45 and older.”
“Among the overall electorate, 41 percent said Biden’s denial was credible, while 38 percent said it was not.
The poll, which surveyed 1,991 registered voters, has a 2-point margin of error.”
The survey also showed that Dems who were ready to fully support Ford are not as trusting when it comes to Reade.
“41 percent of voters, including 26 percent of Democrats, said they view [Tara Reade’s] allegation as credible. By comparison, amid Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination fight in 2018, 38 percent of voters — and 65 percent of Democrats — initially found Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against him to be credible, a figure that increased after her highly publicized testimony.”
So at least a quarter of Dems think Biden is not fit to run due to the allegation against him. Now if only the rest could find some of that common sense.
I must be a genius since I am obviously the only person to figure this out. demoncraps threw a whole bunch of socialists into the race. One-by-one they were deemed unpopular &/OR unelectable. So, dems pushed Biden into the victory – KNOWING that he, too, is a loser. Now what? Here’s what will happen at the convention. Biden will be offered a deal – perhaps appointment to SPOTUS – and he will withdraw his candidacy. That will leave the sems without a candidate and their response will be a “brokered convention”. WHO??????
will they select? Cuomo has been on TV almost continually since start of COVID-19. Even his son suddenly was “strcten” with the virus to give Cuomo’s message viability HA! There has also been a lot of talk about naming a FEMALE – Hildebeast and or michelle? WAIT AND SEE!!!!!
Leave poor joe alone until after the convention and he is the nominee.
Of course ‘Uncle Joe’ doesn’t remember Tara…he is senile!
Joes, Joe, Joe, if it didn’t happen, then Reade would have NEVER said you did this!!
We cannot support re[placing Biden, we need him on the ticket it is a sure fire win for Trump.
Biden 2020 (not really).
The deocraps are going to ride with Joe as far as he can carry them, because he is one that can be replaced soon after election. Then the Obama/Soros group will be able to install their VP choice as POTUS. He is the most electable of all those rejects that were trying to get the nomination. He looks like a kindly, old white haired gentleman with lots of political experience, but the dems won’t let the other info about him out.
too little, too late demoncraps
They have always known. They have never cared. This is virtue signaling. They will still vote for him.
That is how good little card carrying pinkos roll.
It is who he picks as VP as to who will be the candidate the DNC actually wants as president but knows wouldn’t win if running against a dead horse.