EPA Defies Court Order To Establish Safe Drinking Water Standard

We live in a first-world country here in the United States and with that comes the belief that at very least we have our stuff together enough to have clean drinking water. But according to a recent report that may not be the case, as the EPA has still yet to come up with a safe drinking water standard when it comes to the chemical perchlorate.

The EPA “will not impose any limits on perchlorate, a toxic chemical compound that contaminates water and has been linked to fetal and infant brain damage, according to two Environmental Protection Agency staff members familiar with the decision.

The decision by Andrew Wheeler, the administrator of the E.P.A., appears to defy a court order that required the agency to establish a safe drinking-water standard for the chemical by the end of June. The policy, which acknowledges that exposure to high levels of perchlorate can cause I.Q. damage but opts nevertheless not to limit it, could also set a precedent for the regulation of other chemicals, people familiar with the matter said.

The chemical — which is used in rocket fuel, among other applications — has been under study for more than a decade, but because contamination is widespread, regulations have been difficult. …

According to the staff members, who asked not to be identified…the E.P.A. intends in the coming days to send a federal register notice to the White House for review that will declare it is “not in the public interest” to regulate the chemical.”

This is a chemical that could lower the I.Q. of Americans… Why even chance this kind of thing. I am all for the military and advancing our weaponry, but not at the cost of stupifying those that live around these companies that make rocket fuel. Shouldn’t we all want drinking water that is not going to dumb down future generations of America?

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  • So , the epa doesn’t have a problem with experimenting on the American people. Should come as no surprise seeing as how the government is practically ran by these very same COMMUNISTS . PRETTY SCARY PEOPLE.

  • Andrew Wheeler needs to be TERMINATED! Our President has tremendous (as our President would say) leeway in shaping and structuring the alphabet agencies. What’s he waiting for?

    • I am sure it may be on the list for him(Trump) to do, as I think there are many things he wants to change, because t let’s not castigate until we know what he knows or doesn’t know. I have a lot of things that I want him to take care of, but he’s just one man and so let’s give him 4 more years.

  • The EPA is not to be trusted and should be abolished. Its the welfare train for leftards,

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