Parkland Cop Who Hid During Shooting Is About To Be Reinstated

The Parkland shooting was a tragedy that could have been handled far better had the officers on duty taken action. They are videos showing officers hiding while the school was being shot up. They seemed to cower when they could have saved lives and that is why Sgt. Brian Miller was terminated after it was determined that he was hiding being his car instead of doing his job. But it appears that due to a technicality MIller has not only found himself back on the force, he also will be getting back pay for being wrongfully terminated.

Brian Miller was fired June 4. The union learned Wednesday that arbitrator concluded that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office violated Miller’s due process rights when Sheriff Gregory Tony terminated him two days past a deadline that a state law allows for punishing law enforcement officers once an investigation is completed.

Lawyers for the union refuted questions posed that Miller can get his job back because of a technicality — a two-day technicality.

“The law is not a technicality,” said union attorney Michael Finesilver. “It’s state law. Our position is the sheriff has to follow state law. He cannot pick and choose law he wants to follow and the arbitrator agreed with us.”

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The Broward Sheriff’s Office didn’t agree with the ruling.

“The Broward Sheriff’s Office does not agree with the arbitrator’s decision and stands by the initial termination of Sergeant Brian Miller,” according to a statement from its general counsel. “The arbitrator ruled on the case without conducting any evidentiary hearing whatsoever and without taking the testimony of a single witness. The decision was based upon a technicality that we believe was wrongly decided. The arbitrator ruled on a procedural issue that BSO allegedly took too long to conduct the investigation, which is the exact opposite finding of an arbitrator that addressed this same issue in an earlier case. The Broward Sheriff’s Office is exploring all legal options to address this erroneous decision.”

MIller stands to get over $137,000 dollars if the Broward County Officer can’t find a way to prevent his reinstatement. It seems Miller has already shown that this is not the job for him and I would guess he is just looking to finish out his time and retire as soon as possible. If only a brave officer had been there that day, there is no telling as to how many lives could have been saved.

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  • Police have no duty to protect individuals, only “society at large”. The so-called “supreme court” has ruled as such. Despite having broad latitude and protections from lawsuits, they only ” serve and protect” themselves…

    • There were cops from another district who charged right in and were almost fired. The broward deputies were told to stop, the sheriff is closely aligned with killary and the DNC.

  • This is an insult to every good officer that out there doing their job. With the amount of time this man has been on the job, there no telling just how many times he has played the cowards roll in uniform. How many lives have been lost because this coward is wearing a uniform. Just as in almost every job a union is involved they don’t care about anything but keeping a job no matter what the cost. The day of the union is dead. Union forces you to pay dues then make sure to keep inept and useless people on the job. You will find that the good cops want get anywhere close to the protection this coward did. This crowd has trampled our 2nd Amendment rights into almost non existence. What needs to happen, the thugs need to start going to each one of the judges, prosecutors, and yes many of the defendants lawyers homes and do to them what they do to our property. Need to include the police in that to. Then lets see how many defend their life and property . Or do they just run out the back door. Political correctnes in action. Soon no more America that we love. Only the haves and have not’s. The leftist socialist in control have it all and we have to fight to be able to eat.

    • Police don’t have unions in the traditional sense. Those “unions” generally provide only payment or assistance with such in disciplinary actions. And only those that it feels are a good cause. One or two cases can bankrupt a legal defense fund. you’ll notice there was an arbitrator decision. Thats usually a retired judge. And this one complied with state law on disciplinary timing. In many places the Sheriffs deputies have NO legal job protection. “unions” or legal defense fund groups started because of unfair actions by Administrators affecting job conditions and its “property rights”. Theres tons of legal decisions regarding that. His “Union” only paid for the lawyer. You may not like that, but none of it comes from taxpayer funds. If malicious criminals can get lawyers, I suppose cops should at least have the chance to.

  • Oh well give the coward back his job with back pay. What this world coming to. Blame deplorables for the shooting and killing of those children when this coward could have tried to stop it.

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