Rainbow Cake Girl’s Family Sues Her Christian School For Discrimination

It looks like Rainbow Cake Girl, Kayla Kenney, is back in the news again as her family is trying to stand behind her disregard for school rules. The Kenney/Alford family has lawyered up and is claiming the school discriminated against their daughter, apparently forgetting that the school had given Kayla numerous chances to shape up and start abiding by the rules. Or maybe they are hoping that MSM’s failure to report the whole truth will gain them a quick settlement…

The suit, filed Thursday, contends that Louisville’s Whitefield Academy expelled the teen, who is referred to as “K.K.” in court documents, due to her perceived sexuality.

“Essentially, the school expelled K.K. because they believed that K.K. was gay. As such, in Whitefield’s view, it would be difficult to “achieve the goal of [K.K.] becoming Christ-like,” the suit states. “In so doing, Whitefield invaded K.K.’s privacy, defamed K.K., breached its contract with K.K.’s parents Kimberly Alford and Mike Kenney, and inflicted serious emotional distress on K.K. Certainly, in 2020 it is unbelievable that conversations like this one are still occurring — and that lawsuits like this one are still necessary.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

The family’s final letter from the school even points out that this is not simply over a rainbow cake or even being gay. It was the fact that she repeated broke school rules and refused to abide by them.

A Jan. 6 letter to the teen’s family signed by school head, Bruce Jacobson, said the rainbow-filled birthday photo “demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy’s beliefs.”

“We made it clear that any further promotion, celebration, or any other actions and attitudes that are counter to Whitefield’s philosophy would not be tolerated. As a result, we regret to inform you that Kayla is being dismissed from the school immediately.”

The lawyer is claiming this is an invasion of privacy and sexual discrimination. Kayla’s Social Media Profile was public, there’s no invasion there. Kayla and her family knew that homosexuality was frowned upon at the Christian School, the school even warned them.

All parents who enroll their children in our private school know upfront that we ask the students to adhere to a lifestyle informed by our Christian beliefs.”

But I guess it’s the school’s fault for not being inclusive enough and punishing a student who repeatedly broke the rules.

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  • The agreement is a two way street. K.K’s parents enrolled her in a Christian school fully aware of what the rules were. If he school “broke the agreement” by expelling her, her parents broke the agreement before the school did by allowing her behavior, after several warnings from the school and advising her parents what would happen if she did not change her ways, prior to her dismissal. If she wants to be gay, that’s her prerogative. However, she shouldn’t attempt to force her lifestyle upon other students. From reading other articles about this, the child is guilty, the school did nothing wrong.

    • I don’t care who’s gay, trans or whatever…..rules and policy stated before an action are enforcable no matter who you are. I have several gay friends and they agree with me when I told them this story (one of my friends looked this story up and did more research than me) They believe (all of them but one) that this was a setup to embarrass the school and get away with some money from the suit, and push their agenda!

  • Tell you what kk and her parents. Turn your life over to satan and soon you won’t know what the hell hit you. You want to denounce Christ? Let me ask you one question. Ever had a friend who would give his/her life for a misguided misfit like you. If your not with God your against Him. Read a little and see what awaits you after the Judgement.

  • Private schooling is paid by parents that want special education and it’s like buying a Pro golf membership. We are talking 10k minimum to start and much more. If you don’t follow the rules, you are invited to take your body elsewhere for breaking the rules. As for the other school parents, they are paying for special education and the Christian environment, they should strongly consider suing KK’s parents for violating their atmosphere. How about several frivolous lawsuit over their pastry business? Is that a flyspeck on my donut? Did I see a roach in the store? Rat what? Rainbow people have a problem with many societal rules and should not be allowed to violate the standards of any school or even my standards. I vote that KK is totally wrong! Now they, KK’s parents should pay the piper! Violation of privacy is the problem of the court. I don’t think privacy was violated with KK’s obvious behavior namely her birthday antics! If that isn’t rebellion, what is? No sympathy!

  • Those promoting deviant behaviors, and this is the parent’s failure to properly raise their child, do not like it when their behavior is called out for what it is – deviant behavior. No one is born a sodomite, homosexual, or promiscuous. These are classic learned behaviors. She broke the rules and does not want to be held responsible for her behavior, and her parents do not want to hold her responsible for her behavior either. But this is what the “Progressives”, i.e. Socialist, have been promoting for decades.

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