Turns Out LGBTQ Rainbow Cake Girl’s Expulsion Was More Than Justified.

The MSM has been going on about how a 15-year-old was expelled for an LGBTQ inspired rainbow cake. The teen Kayla Kenney has been portrayed as a victim of an overly strict Christain School by the MSM. They try and make it out like this cake was the sole cause of the expulsion, and if you only looked at the story from the MSM’s perspective the school is to blame. But it turns out things were much different, Kayla Kenney was not the LGBTQ Angel that the MSM claimed she was.

The School Whitefield Academy actually put out a statement to correct the MSM’s biased reporting.

“Inaccurate media reports are circling stating that the student in question was expelled from our school solely for a social media post. In fact, she has unfortunately violated our student code of conduct numerous times over the past two years. In the fall, we met with the student to give her a final chance to begin to adhere to our code of conduct. Unfortunately, she did not live up to the agreement, and therefore, has been expelled.

“Whitefield Academy is a Christian-based school with a 43-year history of educating students in a learning environment informed by our shared Christian values. All parents who enroll their children in our private school know upfront that we ask the students to adhere to a lifestyle informed by our Christian beliefs. There are numerous school options in our community for students who do not wish to attend a Christian-based school, and we wish our former student all the best as she finds a learning environment that is right for her.

“Whitefield Academy is accredited by ACSI/AdvancEd and a member of the Non-Public School Commission of Kentucky, and therefore we meet all Kentucky regulations and laws. Our code of conduct is on par with other private Christian schools in our area. It is unfortunate that one of the student’s parents chose to post internal family matters on social media, and we hope our former student is not adversely affected by what her parents chose to make public about her situation.”

Kenney was supposedly caught vaping on campus and was actively pursuing female partners as an outspoken lesbian. The problem with that is she was going to a Christian school that had all of the students and parents agree to adhere to Christain values, which means students were not to promote homosexuality. Kenney could have stayed in the school had she refrained from flaunting her sexuality but apparently she was rather flamboyant about her sexual preferences and refused to comply.

So this is not a case about a victimized teen. This is a case of a teen that is clearly just in the wrong school and refused to listen to her elders. There is no discrimination here, the school gave her ample chances and informed both student and parents alike of their rules. But for some reason, this side of the story never made it to the MSM…

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    • While Kayla may be much happier in another school where she can act HERSELF, I’m afraid that her PARENTS may not be so happy, because people such as these are usually looking for a lawsuit to COLLECT upon… Sad but true… Because to expand upon this in open media, will only tend to hurt their daughter in her future… It would be nice if the parents could see and REALIZE that fact… IF they care… Usually laws are fairly simple… You can pretty much do as you please, as long as YOUR actions don’t make others feel totally offended and affected by the actions of that other person… because then you are infringing YOUR will and beliefs upon THEM… They knew the rules of the school upon her entering it… So the question is, WHY did her parents place her there??? Was this a PLAN ???

    • And probably find plenty of ‘adults’ that work/TEACH at the public school willing to ‘further her education’…..

  • Yeah and we all kmow why the MSM left out the facts now don’t we?? MSM is not called “fake news” for no good reason.

  • This kid is a joke and has done nothing but harm her cause. Being stupid like this is exactly why people don’t want to deal with the lgbtq community. They cut off their noses to spite their faces. They are their own worst enemy.

  • MALE?


    “something else”?


    Should be able to settle the question PERMANENTLY.

    Provide ‘bathrooms” through SCIENCE!

    • Crusty and Old doesn’t have to mean ignorant. This is about her sexual orientation, ie. whom she goes to bed with. Not a gender issue. If it were a gender issue, you’d still be wrong. Doctors delivering newborn babies don’t even do a DNA evaluation unless something raises a red-flag. Otherwise, they look at the babies genitalia to proclaim the sex. People don’t get “sex-change” on a whim.. or because they just simply ‘want to.’ They do it because of a strong conviction they were born in the wrong body. Since, God does not make mistakes.. it must be another cause of this congenital anomaly, ie. over-deluge of female hormones (or male hormones) in the womb during the formation of the fetus’ brain and beyond. And “sex-change” is *for all practical purposes*.. as nobody can actually, change ones sex. But, it is considered therapeutic if diagnosed accurately. The “regret” stories are those of whom were improperly and inaccurately diagnosed.

  • The left despises anything ‘Christian-based’ and will do anything within their power to destroy anything Christian.

    • Of course they do. Satan’s children do everything they can to prove that God doesn’t exist, the sad part is that children like these are doomed to hell because of their worthless parents.

  • In all fairness, the girl did break the rules that were agreed upon at the time of her enrollment. In my opinion, sexual orientation is a private and sensitive issue. Not something one shouts from a rooftop. Gay people call it “being in the closet” if they don’t tell everyone they’re gay. I’m heterosexual and have never worn a T-shirt conveying that. Everyday living does not call for that much information about self. Humans should connect on common ground. We do have lots in common with one another just by being human beings. The Rainbow is a sign from God.. a reminder that, He would never destroy the world by flood ever again. Seems its been hijacked. The cake looks ‘festive’ but, for looking eating… putrid. No doubt, its full of neurological antagonistic food-coloring and dyes.

    • I am searching for a shirt or hat or something that declares my sexuality. I am 84 and need something that says “I really like girls – but at my age I can’t remember why”

    • Yes & the good news/bad news is that their flag is NOT a rainbow but a insidious counterfeit. Science teaches us how many colors God’s rainbow has…do the math.

  • She deserved to be kicked out of the school. Would you go to an ice cream vendor if you wanted Pizza. Sue the ice cream guy for not having pizza. MMJC what is this world coming to. When in Rome do as the Romans do. If not get your ass down the road. jwstx

  • Crusty Old Goat says; MALE? FEMALE” “something else”? LET DNA DO THE TALKING! ……………………….

    Only takes three words to classify them; He, She, It ….. Is the rainbow melting into a pool of black goo yet?

    Why is it when archeologists find human remains, they are either male or female and none of the other 700 genders.

  • I’ll play your silly little game.
    The kid likes rainbows, so what? I’m as against the ‘gehstapo’ as anyone else but the school DESERVES every metaphorical rotten piece of fruit and vegetable lobbed their way on this one.
    It’s one thing to be so uptight for the ‘coal and 2 weeks later have a diamond’ thing. This batch of fundamentalist loons is so bad the diamonds would be metallic.

    FWIR the girl’s mom bought the cake because it was colorful and not for any advocacy. Can anyone prove otherwise?

  • Her parents apparently failed to teach her properly and allowed her to be indoctrinated that sodomy is acceptable behavior. And she thought she could get away with doing anything she wanted and learned a lesson most children learn prior to entering puberty – some behaviors are not acceptable.

  • So sad that Marvel comics, one of our Supreme Court justices and so many other people and businesses buckle under to the LBGTQ community in order to make money, Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg is clearly not thinking when she encourages impeachment of our president. I imagine she fought Clinton’s impeachment because she’s a Democrat, and because she’s a Democrat she will fight against President Trump in any way she can. Sad to say this, but at her age she’s probably struggling with dementia.

  • There is a reason private schools exist, especially Christian and other Religion orientated schools and it is to provide environments for students of parents who want their children to be raised in environments conducive with their faith. Those who don’t or won’t work to fit into those institutions are only making themselves and others miserable and should for the good of all involved change schools and attend one that is a better fit for them. Mostly the early years of our education should be devoted to education with just a little attention paid to developing social skills, just enough to work in the groups we’ll be with while learning our lessons. It isn’t necessary to create a social genius out of kindergarten! Some times it seems with all the PC culture going on our younger generation has become part of a social experiment and we’re just waiting for the paper to come out on all the foolish trends modern education has tried on them.

  • Well Kayla…Don’t worry… The LesbianGBTQUEER flag is NOT a rainbow,but a counterfeit..IF you’re a smart girl,you can do the “math”. BTW,the cake was very pretty & “GIRLIE”.

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