Pelosi Claims Biden’s Sexual Assault Allegation Is Closed

The Dems are still rallying behind Biden showing off just hypocritical they can be after they tried to destroy Justice Kavanaugh for far less. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has gone a step further than some Dems and claims that she thinks the whole Tara Reade issue is closed. So I guess by closed she just means she is going to ignore the accusation? She appeared on a few shows to explain just how done she is with the Biden accusation.

When asked during an interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber if she viewed it as a closed issue, Pelosi said, “It is for me.”

“I have said I am proud to support Joe Biden for president. I believe him when he says it didn’t happen. But I also believe that when he says let them look into the records. And that’s what they should do,” Pelosi said.

“But I’m not going to answer this question again. I will just say, I have every confidence that Joe Biden will be a great president of the United States,” she added.”

In another interview she repeated that the issue was closed for her and praised the presidential candidate.

“I have said I am proud to support Joe Biden for president. I believe him when he says it didn’t happen. But I also believe when he says let them look into the records. And that’s what they should do. But I’m not going to answer this question again. I will just say I have every confidence that Joe Biden will be a great president of the United States.”

See the problem here is that the records are not going to be released.

The Secretary of the Senate has informed former Vice President Joe Biden that it has “no discretion to disclose” the existence of former aide Tara Reade’s complaint of sexual assault against the then-senator in 1993.”

So it looks like Tara Reade’s case is dead in the water since she is going against a Dem. If she were accusing a GOP member the MSM would pick this up and run with it for all it’s worth. It’s too bad she didn’t keep a copy of the complaint or go after him earlier. It looks like Biden is getting away with this one, and none of the Dems seem to really care. So much for that #metoo movement…

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  • Not even CLOSE to being done.
    Biden is going to answer for every woman and little child he abused or tried to abuse…
    Just wait; if his mind lasts till the election he will be sorry he ever tried to run…
    The embarrassment will be hugely entertaining… LOL

  • The libs just want to keep you home by offering you more money ($2000 a month)so that the economy could go down a very deep shit hole! And create a great depression the likes you never seen. Don’t be fooled! You can’t trust these evil liberal Commie Demoncrats!

    Bella Pelosi, better known as Dracula. Sneaked in a 1 billion Dollar funding for Plan Parenthood (The abortion factory) and other things that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus bill. Evil and Devious indeed! Never let a crisis go to waste is one of the Demoncrat 10 Satanic Commandments.

    Wuhan Virus Bioweapon AKA: China Virus, Coronavirus weaponized by China and their Globalist treasonous Godless demoncratic Commie party and cohorts Soros the MSM fake media, academia, Hollywood, crash the greatest US economy ever! And to take down the greatest president ever, President Trump!! Keep up the great work President Trump! 2020 and beyond! From the Patriots of a Commie free America!

  • Of course, it is “close, why even argue it. Biden innocent(?}; no hearing, no questioning? Yet they put Justice Kavanaugh through hell because of the same claims. Democrats are so two-faced and dangerous, I cannot even begin to imagine why anyone would want to vote Democrat in any capacity. Biden and Pelosi are the two worst hypocrites on this earth. They are supposedly Roman Catholic but they defy God in promoting and legitimizing abortion even up to the time of birth. They make me want to vomit, they are so vile.

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