“Obama Admin Hid Evidence of Biden Corruption” Says Former State Department Inspector General

One of President Trump’s lawyers, Rudy Giuliani recently had a sit-down interview with Lou Dobbs and revealed some damning information that the Obama Administration had covered up surrounding the corruption allegations Joe Biden is facing today.

Giuliani said, “I began this investigation in November of 2018. I concluded it by the end of March [2019]…

“… The Ukrainians came to me. I didn’t go looking for them. They told me for a year and a half they were trying to get to the FBI. They believed there was something seriously wrong with our FBI because they wouldn’t take the investigation.

“They hired a lawyer to try to get to the Justice Department. They couldn’t get to the Justice Department.

“The reason I gave it to the State Department was because my witness didn’t trust the Justice Department. I tried to convince them that once Bill Barr was there they didn’t have to worry about that but they didn’t understand that.

“And then I gave it to Mike Pompeo. Mike Pompeo said they were going to investigate. I delivered some of the notes I had. Then I expected I would hear back. And, I never heard back.

“They never gave me the courtesy of calling me in to ask about the credibility of these things. They never talked to the principal witnesses, Shokin and Lutsenko. And somehow I think the Deep State people tried to Deep State it.

Something happened after it was turned over to the Justice Department.

So who was there during that time? It was Steve Linick, who was appointed by Obama. He’s the man who squashed the evidence Giuliani had delivered to State Department back in March.

But the real question is why? What was he trying to hide? It was these relations with Biden and I don’t believe it’s unlikely that Obama wasn’t aware of this, because knowing Biden, he probably jumped on the phone with Obama right after the incident happened to brag about it.

Biden said, “I said, ‘We’re not gonna give you the billion dollars.’ The said, ‘you have no authority, you’re not the president.’ I said, ‘call him.’

I said, “I’m telling you you’re not getting a billion dollars. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’

“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.”

That sounds like a prison worthy statement to me.

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  • Why no comments here? What is really wrong with our people that we pay so much money for and they don’t even respond too something the lawyer for our President gives to them. Didn’t think Pompeo would stonewall on this info. We know we can’t trust the FBI and DOJ.

  • Well here is Joe admitting to Quid Quo Pro and saying Trump Colluded with Russia and it was Hillary and the Crooked FBI and CIA and Obama in the Leading to and DOJ too nothing done to them other than move around and some fired but not Jail Yet but Paul and Stone and some others Mike Flynn who was trapped bankrupted too Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  • Why in God’s name won’t someone prosecute Biden, Obama, Clintons, Comey and a lot others? What are they waiting for? Our government is so corrupt that we have no chance of getting our country back!

  • Obama is every bit the crook we thought he was. He or his concubine should never grace the White House again. They need to go to Kenya where he can be embraced for the cad he really is, born in Kenya…stay in Kenya!

  • How sad by the approval of the leftists and the satanical DNC this country and society has degraded to the police state it became under the obama administration and the legal agencies under him continued in the Comey, Brennan and several others leading the departments that are supposed to protect us from the such corruption.

  • Perhaps the man was trying to hide anything that was coming into the pockets of those in the administration. I don’t know, but I’d bet that is a good guess.

  • The Vice President of the United States committed Quid Pro Quo, threatening to withhold Ukrainian aid unless a prosecutor investigating his son’s company was fired, and bragged about it on the floor of Congress. And the Democrats don’t believe that it worthy of investigation. And he’s a Democratic presidential candidate. SHAMEFUL. I suspect Obama protected Biden to avoid a another scandal during his administration but is now very clear that he will not endorse Biden.

  • As long as Biden was useful to Obama, he was kept on a string. m Now Biden serves no purpose, Obama has moved on.

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