Parents OUTRAGED As California School Forced Elementary Girls To Play Sex Game

California has hit a new low when it comes to public education.

One school has caused a shocking situation in which they are requiring 10 and 11-year-old girls to perform races for putting condoms on an adult erect penis.

According to  The Christian Post,

California’s controversial new sex ed guidance contains medically risky advice that reads like it was written by a college fraternity, says a former public school teacher who’s been helping parents mobilize against the curriculum.

“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post when describing the condom relay races 10- and 11-year-old girls have been participating in at schools where, in front of boys, they’re taught how to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.

Students as young as 11, she warned, are also being taught to engage in risky sexual acts, such as experimenting with oral and anal sex with their “partner.”

First of all, what is a school doing teaching a bunch of 10-year-old girls about sex in the first place? Girls this young have no need to be learning about sex already. Not to mind you that it shouldn’t even be the school’s responsibility to teach them about it. This is a task that should be in the hand of the parents.

News 24 reported,

Concerns center around changes approved by the California Board of Education in May. The programs are supposed to comply with the 2015 California Healthy Youth Act, “which mandates the teaching of ‘medically accurate’ and ‘age appropriate’ comprehensive sex education at least once in middle school and once in high school,” according to the report.

Here’s more from the report:

The new framework encourages but does not mandate classroom conversations in sixth grade about masturbation and kindergarten discussions on gender identity.

“[T]he goal is not to cause confusion about the gender of the child but to develop an awareness that other expressions exist,” read the newly approved document. …

Several units cover human sexual and reproductive “body parts.” A lesson on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) notes the selling points of sexual abstinence, but also encourages condom use and regular, confidential testing for sexually active middle-school students and, in doing so, endorsing Planned Parenthood [the largest abortion business in America].

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  • I am by no means condoning this practice but any kid with a computer has been exposed to more sexual perversion than one could imagine. That said, when schools start teaching sexual perversion they are tacitly promoting it.

  • Cali can f u c k off…what they are doing to kids nowadays is beyond shocking…Betsy DeVos, do your f**king job and get this crap away from our schools

  • This type of sex education is sick, sick, sick wherever it is taught. I cannot believe that normal adults would subject any child to this kind of “education”. It is abusive perversion wherever it occurs. I am a great grandmother of a large family who has NEVER seen any need for this kind of abnormal sexual education for the children in my family.

  • tHESE perverted liberals need to stay the F out of my kids sex ed. Period. That is the parents job. All they are creating is sexually active kids and supporting abortions . This just teaches them that there are NO consequences for overt sexuality. Next they will be teaching them that beastiality is simply an expression of their love of animals.Caluifornia is X’d off my places to ever go period.

  • This is abominable and more than outrageous! Sex should never be on an elementary school child’s radar. Any education for middle and high school students should be academic only. Parents, rise up and storm the school and the board. Demand that the current policy be trashed and that students are taught the basics only. The subject of bullying and health issues would be far more beneficial. Perhaps a school boycott would get attention, as schools are paid by the number of students actually present (in our area before 11 o’clock).

  • Mot of the people who live in California are nuts and some of the teachers are the worst. Our Government should take California of the list for receiving money till they shape up.

  • One of the First things Obama done when He got into Office was to place a Convicted Pedifiel in Charge of School Books and you see what that has led too Period get these people out of Schools and Ban such too from School Teaching Period

  • It’s a sad state of affairs when children are being subjected to the seedy side of sex. It’s not education, it’s indoctrination. I cannot believe that parents are not outraged that the Californina state government is usurping their parental authority and taking it upon the state to determine what children should know about sex and it’s perversions (i.e. gender identity, lgbtq+p (?), etc.) at any time during their academic (which doesn’t seem to exist anymore) education. It’s not their place and parents should put the school districts in their place, as academic educators and not “sex” educators.

  • If the parents have not brought this to a stop with lawsuits or whatever means possible then the parents have no room to complain. This is disgusting but could only happen if the parents are not active protecting their children.

  • Sex and this “Gender awareness” B.S. has no place what so ever in schools. And WTF IS “Gender Awareness” Shouldn’t a kid KNOW already that they are a boy or girl?? This country really has gone down the toilet!

  • It is time for a major revolt by the ‘good’ people of California. The people running the circus along with the whores of hollywood are purposely creating chaos with their end plan to ruin the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as she was founded and formed, with the goal of becoming another of those s***hole countries that President Trump refered to. The only winners of that kind of outcome will be the perpetrators, (those referred to above). God help us all.

  • Pedophilia in the classroom??? It gets uglier and uglier as Planned Parenthood sexualizes children to create the market for more abortions. Their funding from Congress is a revolving door where Congress gives them tens of billions of taxpayer money and Planned Parenthood gives them back a good portion of it in campaign donations.

  • California is thoroughly infested with democrats, and those of us that are not able to relocate have to deal with it. It has come to my attention that many churches have K-12 schools that teach a proper education. My church, Calvary Chapel, is only one of them. While it may cost a little more than public schools, it surely is a way for children to LEARN the proper way. That should be considered a long-term investment in the children’s future.
    There can be no doubt that the democrat party has been taken over by Satan, so this is only one of the ways that he is attempting to destroy us and our children.

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