MSM “Forgets” To Cover 2020’s Most Admired Man

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The MSM strikes again with their over the top biased nature. The MSM has made it clear that they are not interested in actually reporting the news. They instead are all about pushing the Liberal agenda and that for the past four years has been to discredit and slander Trump. Just look at this presidential election the MSM refused to cover the Hunter Biden Scandal and a poll says their refusal actually cost Trump 10% of the vote. So it only makes sense that the MSM would keep with tradition and refuse to report the fact that Trump is now the most admired man of the year beating out Obama and Biden.

Americans are most likely to name President Donald Trump and Michelle Obama as most admired man and woman in 2020. Trump tied former President Barack Obama for the honor last year but edged out his predecessor this year. Trump’s first-place finish ends a 12-year run as most admired man for Obama, tied with Dwight Eisenhower for the most ever.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama ranks as most admired woman for the third year in a row. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is second.”

FOX & Friends covered Trump’s accomplishment.

“And how about this a Gallup poll finds President Trump to be the most admired man of 2020 — 18 percent of Americans naming him as their pick, ending Barack Obama’s 12-year run. He, by the way, got 15 percent of the vote. When broken down by party, 48 percent of Republicans named Donald Trump their most admired man, compared to just 13 percent of Democrats naming Joe Biden.”

Watch The Clip Below.

It’s interesting that Biden is trailing behind even Obama when he “won” the presidential election. But really you’d think the MSM could show a little class here and report the actual news for once. But I guess reporting facts in favor of Trump is just way too honest for them and would likely trigger them.

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