If You or Your Kids Grew Up Watching This Kid’s Show, You’re Going To Be Furious Now

Yet another TV show is has been destroyed by pushing liberal ideologies on the youth.

Arthur, which has been on Public Television for over two decades, will open it’s 2019 season with a gay marriage.

As a kid, I never actually watched much of the show, but my sister did so it was on frequently.


According to the New York Times,

During the season premiere of the animated series “Arthur” on Monday, Arthur, Francine, Buster and Muffy spend most of their time trying to play matchmaker for their third-grade teacher, Mr. Ratburn.

In the end, Mr. Ratburn has his own plans. He ties the knot with Patrick, a local chocolatier, at a wedding attended by the students.

“Mr. Ratburn is married, I still can’t believe it,” Arthur says.

“Yup, it’s a brand-new world,” Francine responds.

The biggest problem isn’t even the fact that it’s a gay marriage on TV this happens occasionally on various shows. That doesn’t make it right, but it’s not the biggest issue.

What is really a problem is that these liberals felt it necessary to push their ideologies on little kids. People think that there is no war of the worldviews, but there absolutely is. There is no neutrality even among public broadcasting.

The median age for viewers for Arthur is 5 years old. 5! Why on earth do these liberals feel so inclined and justified to teach homosexuality to kids this young? That’s just the median age, 58% of kid viewers range from 2-5 years old.

I can promise you one of two things will happen, if not both. First, that this single episode will be the least viewed ever and secondly that it could be the end of the show entirely. By that, I don’t mean that this episode will end the show, only that it will lead to its end.

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