Gop Senator Proves CNN Can’t Take Their Own Medicine

The MSM is always bashing Trump or GOP members. Oddly it has become the norm, but it appears that they don’t have the same thick skin that everyone else is supposed to have. Republican Senator Martha McSally made that quite apparent when she refused to answer Senior White House CNN Correspondent Manu Raju’s question and instead bashed him. McSally appeared on The Ingraham Angle where she talked about “the incident.”

So here’s what CNN became so triggered about:

” McSally walked to her office, Raju — CNN’s senior congressional correspondent — chased down the Republican from Arizona and asked, “Should the Senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial?”

“Manu, you’re a liberal hack,” McSally replied. “I’m not talking to you.”

“You’re not gonna comment?” Raju asked.

“You’re a liberal hack,” McSally repeated.”

Or you can watch it below. 

CNN hosts responded calling McSally a whole slew of names.

With that, notable hosts from CNN — which has been repeatedly called out for left-wing bias and unfair treatment of President Donald Trump — tore into McSally. Again and again.

Here’s a rough list of their descriptions of the senator’s interaction with Raju:

  • “Despicable”
  • “Disgusting”
  • “Disgraceful”
  • “Indecent”
  • “Awful”
  • “Awful, awful thing”
  • “Rude”
  • “Unprofessional”
  • “Shocking”
  • “Beneath the dignity of how a senator should behave”
  • “Warning shot that Republicans and the Trump administration and the whole MAGA universe is just going to be trying to weaponize what President Trump has created, which is this groundswell of media hatred”

As you can see name-calling is only allowed when it is coming from CNN not outgoing.

The best part is that Sen. McSally is not only not apologetic. She claims that she would say it again since that’s who she is “a straight shooter” that would rather be honest.

When asked if she regretted it, she said “No, I do not…These CNN reporters are soo biased, so in cahoots with the Democrats, they can’t stand the president and they run around trying to chase Republicans asking trapping questions.” McSally also felt that CNN’s reactions were “laughable.”

It’s not every day you see an honest politician. But in the future, she should try and rise above the liberals and their hate. It’s her job to work with liberals like CNN’s Raju as we need more politicians willing to bridge the political divide to better America. But it is still nice to see CNN getting a taste of their own medicine.

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  • No, Mr McCoy……..we don’t NEED to get along with these anti-American, anti-Constitutional, communist fascist left wing morons. In fact, it is our DUTY to defeat these libtards at every turn. Don’t you know that liberalism is a disease, and you can’t fix liberal stupidity??? Just put ’em on a slow boat to the socialist country of their choice!!!

  • Boy howdy! That term made me chuckle. Haven’t heard “coon” used since political correctness took over. That is a delightfully descriptive word we have lost. And what black people used to call us??? “Honkie” comes to mind, but my favorite was “offie”. Since PC, we have lost a wonderful treasure of descriptive words.

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