Prostitution and Public Urination Now No Longer Prosecuted In This U.S. City

San Francisco has become the butthole of America. Not it’s also becoming the urinal as well.

It’s not enough that there is a growing problem of feces reports in San Francisco, but now it’s been decided that public urination is going to be permitted to happen in the city.

Not only that, but prostitution is going to go unpunished now as well.

According to Law Enforcement Today,

And after their latest announcement, it appears as city leaders are only emboldening people to continue relieving themselves wherever they want.

And that’s not the only criminal behavior they’ll be turning a blind eye to.

San Francisco’s newly elected district attorney says his new list of infractions that will not be prosecuted is an attempt at “decriminalizing poverty and homelessness,” and those crimes include public urination and prostitution.

District Attorney Chesa Boudin said,

“We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted; we have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness.”

So basically, they have no idea how to fix the problem so they’re just going to say “Screw it. Let them do what they want.”

I believe they want people to remain homeless though, honestly. I’ve seen countless efforts to try and combat homelessness by private citizens to only get shut down and arrested by police.

Take for instance the situation of a 90-year-old World War II veteran who was arrested for feeding the homeless in Florida. The reason he was arrested was that he was violating a new law that said you’re not allowed to feed the homeless.

Supposedly, the law was an effort to attack the problem of homelessness in the area. Like feeding them makes them want to stay homeless? Who wants to be homeless?

This is exactly what it looks like for the government to have too much control. The government ruins everything and private citizens are much more capable of taking care of one another without government interference.

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  • What do those pastors think they’re doing by obeying the Gospel and feeding the homeless? What do those veterans who pledged to support the Constitution think they’re doing by helping the downtrodden? They belong in prison. It’s the right of the state to decide whether or not if the homeless should be fed, housed, given medical attention, or protected.


    • Damn. I was like wtf? Until I saw (satire).
      So I wonder how the government expects people to get back on their feet of the public can’t help them. This can only lead to increased crime, such as burglary and Robert

    • This is satire, right?…like don’t feed the animals? Don’t feed the fish? The Bears? Gov’ts policy isn’t working in SFO, Surprise, gov’t policies hardly never work, They have no experience with poverty, they have always been able to steal enough for their needs..

    • The fact that you find it necessary to spell out this is satirical speaks to the childlike nature of most reading it. SanFran is indeed the new land of the Eloi.

  • Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco in the House. Why isn’t she from the center for this problem and solving it for her constituents? What happened to all the money the taxpayers have paid that has gone to cities like San Francisco? Why isn’t anyone being held accountable for this? Why is Pelosi & the rest of the Dems ignoring it?

  • Now Fascist Left Wing Totalitarian rule is being imposed upon those showing private charity to the homeless and the needy. Thank your Leftist Nazi Democratic radicals who promote poverty and degradation.

  • The main reason is that the Democrats are all guilty of prostitution so why not pee on them too! No one should travel to California anyway! They are too radical and filthy for visitors. Pestilence, crime, and medial/health concerns are enough to keep decent folks away! And there is no crime prevention or safety.

  • Leftism is a mental and spiritual derangement. Eventually, leftism destroys rational thinking, like cancer working in the brain. Leftist Democrats have ruined every major city which now has huge problems due to their programs and decrees.

  • What in the heck is wrong with the elected officials of SanFrancisco? Do they realize they were elected to serve the citizens of their city, the citizens should demand they do their jobs or stop cashing their paychecks?

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