Trump prevailed and overcame the House Dem’s attempt to oust him from office. The Senate found the impeachment case lacking and it was rightly thrown out. But it appears House Dems are far from done, in fact, they are currently trying to find more dirt on the president.
“The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump may have ended with an acquittal, but ongoing legal battles and talk of future subpoenas hint that the drama between Congress and the White House is far from over.
“…The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to issue a ruling in the near future regarding whether the House Judiciary Committee can compel the testimony of former White House Counsel Don McGahn.
In a court filing for that case, House Democrats revealed that McGahn’s testimony related to information in the Special Counsel’s Russia report could even be used for new articles of impeachment.
“If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” the committee’s December brief stated, noting that they still have “ongoing impeachment investigations.”
According to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, Trump had instructed McGahn to relay orders to have Mueller fired, which Trump’s critics have said is enough to justify an obstruction of justice charge, although this was not included in the articles of impeachment that were the subject of Trump’s recent trial.”
“The investigations and oversight will continue,” said Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York, head of the Oversight and Reform Committee, the lead investigative panel in the House. “We’ve got several cases.”
Democratic-led committees in the House will keep seeking a wide range of evidence and testimony as they look into Trump’s administration, his policies and his businesses and finances. They also plan to keep a focus on his conduct in dealing with Ukraine.
In addition, there are multiple court cases running on separate tracks seeking access to his tax returns, testimony from former White House officials and financial records to show whether the president is unlawfully profiting from foreign governments. Three of the cases will be considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in the spring.”
So it looks the Dems are spending a lot of their time trying to find ways to get rid of Trump, instead of finding ways to better the lives of the Americans they were elected by. If only they could channel some of this anti-Trump energy into bettering America.
get the f**K over it, demoncraps…YOU LOST BIGLY
the DemonRATS will piss away all the taxpayers money on bullshit. In the time they’ve had the house, they haven’t done a thing for the American voters, meanwhile Trump has.
Um No. Its called Double Jepoardy and is a violation of the 5th Amendment of the Constitution. So go ahead and try and the ones that do will end up in prison as no matter what the lefty morons of Msnbc and CNN say, the Constitution does NOT exempt politics from this, it clearly says it cant be done.
Problem is, double jeopardy don’t exist in this.. they can run another impeachment against him if they can fabricate another crime they need to take him down.. Trump needs to watch his back and watch it close…
They ought to be held in contempt from the American citizens for not doing their job. Hopefully we will throw out the trash in November elections. Term limits for all three branches not just the Pres and include the Supreme Court.
These hate-filled, lying, demented, and demonized leftist Communist-Socialist-Democrats will not quit until we vote them into the minority in the House. Start now. Campaign for conservative Republicans for House and Senate.
In their hate fueled state their rejection of common decency, respect for the judicial and constitutional process will only continue. We must recognize these people are suffering from acute irrational hatred, and now cornered like an enraged wild animal they will attack again and again until they win or are put out of their misery. They MUST BE DEFEATED in this next election by a wide margin. Anything less will only fuel their hatred against the American People, the Rule of Law and the Constitution.
Double Jeopardy refers to charging the SAME crime once tried and acquitted of that crime. It does NOT refer to being charged with a new crime.
Read my above post that reveals on the NEW charge the demoncraps are planning. Then forward to everyone you know.
ANYONE who cares about our country and the American people must band together and make sure President Trump is re-elected in 2020 and make sure we vote out EVERY democRAT we can… vote straight republican… We must take back the house and hold on to the senate… American lives depends on it…
After the dems lost and POTUS Trump was acquitted – a commentater asked, “What will the Democrats do next?” I KNOW the answer.
It goes something like this:
God knows everything – past, present, future.
God was feeling pretty good about all of His creations – until He had to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their disobedience. He felt something like “buyers remorse” but saw some good things in mankind. So, He decided to “wait-and-see”. God became so disappointed in His creation of man-and-woman as He watched things go from bad to worse.
One day, God realized that He had made a terrible mistake and the disobedience of Adam and Eve had paved the way for Donald Trump to one day be elected POTUS. God knew something dramatic had to be done to correct this mistake, so He decided to have his Son be born of a Virgin. Despite all the miracles His Son did and wonderful words of life spoken, the mistake still was not corrected. So, God decided something really drastic had to be done. Jesus had to die! Again feeling badly and realizing even the death of Jesus would not prevent Trump being elected, God restored Jesus to life and took Him back to heaven.
Therefore, POTUS Donald Trump is directly responsible for the torture and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Since this exact plan being discussed by Pelosi, Shumer, and Schiff was overheard by a whistleblower, it must be true.
I guess the Dems won’t learn their lesson until after they lose their majority in the house.
Go ahead, make our day. The country is sick of shit head, maxi-pad, ground hog Nader and the corrupt one, shoe in Schumer. Another round at our cost would destroy your party.
Just take their names and you ‘ll save a lot of investigating. The ones screaming the loudest are naturally the co-conspiritors in the operation.
Democrats? Or, Open Social COMMUNIST MOTHER “F-ERS. When your ANTIFA SOBs get the word to go to the Mat, we will Step on them like the Cockroaches that they are. But, this time we Americans Will not stop there, we will be coming after every Mother Social COMMUNIST THAT HAS EVER STOOD UP!
Democrats are Communist/ New World Order treasonous trolls and should be treated as such and the party of treason and sedition as defined by U.S. Code Chapter 18. They need to be indicted, charged and tried in the FULL EXERCISE OF DUE PROCESS, they have denied to anyone and everyone with the temerity to hold constitutionally opposed views to their “re-interpretation,” of that Founding document to fit their twisted Agendas, including U.N. Agenda 21 which would end our Sovereignty, rights, choices , private property and enslave you and your children forever. They ARE the enemy within and they need to be Recognized as such and when found guilty, not if, based on hard evidence ALREADY revealed by the White House Investigative Unit, Judicial Watch and other watchdog agencies,PUNISHED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE PENALTIES NAMED IN THAT REFERENCE! Don’t take my word for it: LOOK IT UP, read and decide for yourselves; THEN, NEVER VOTE FOR ANOTHER DAMNED CABALIST FOR ANYTHING BUT A LIFETIME PRISON SENTENCE OR WORSE, AS IT IS ALL ANY OF THEM DESERVE. And, let us begin with the 3 stooges Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler, who, when combined have been planning this fraudulent impeachment and whatever follows since BEFORE President Trump was duly Elected by 63 million REAL AMERICANS these swamp slime have referred to us all ever since as DEPLORABLES when they in fact are the most despicable kind of degenerate, worthless incompetents in this Universe! AND THEIR EVERY THOUGHT, WORD AND DEED PROVES THE CONTENTION, ALONG WITH THE STILL EXPANDING $23 TRILLION DEBT THEIR EVERY PLAN WOULD ONLY ADD TO WITHOUT RELIEF!
By any Constitutional standard; they are: THE ENEMY WITHIN! God Almighty, they turn my stomach and make me regret my disabling and HONORABLE service better than a half century ago in Vietnam defending all they would destroy! This Vietnam vet has had a degree in Government for 53 years and KNOWS what he is speaking of, intimately, having spent 2 years after Vietnam as staff at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C. which even then in 1969, was a swamp and is a thousand times WORSE, TODAY!
The democRAT swamp rats will do whatever they can to destroy President Trump… They WILL LIE, CHEAT AND FABRICATE EVIDENCE/CRIMES to try and take him down… ANYONE who cares about America and the American people need to band together and vote Trump 2020 to save our country from the destruction of these democRAT swamp rats… They want to seize power over the people and control our lives .. they WILL destroy this country AND the American people if they seize this power… Vote as many DemocRATS out of office we can …. Trump has our country on the right path to prosperity and a secure nation…. Don’t allow the democRATS to tear that down…
GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP for all he has and is doing FOR America and the American people…
if these morons insist on beating a dead horse without just cause; can we hold a national referendum and outlaw the Party of Plutocrat Parasites and end them forever? Their insanity has contaminated the Constitutional Republic for far too long as the terminal cancer to all freedoms and choices it IS, They should all be removed from their positions or all be confined to rubber rooms for their own protection and far more importantly: OURS!
Trump has been acquitted of impeachment, and they want to keep bring charges. He has already been tried, isn’t that double jeopardy
With my considerable and constant attention to news and data input from a wide variety of sources, I personally know there are many sources of information and news on which further Trump investigation is possible and even mandatory. That’s not news to any thoughtful American seeking truth, justice and the American way–not what we are getting for the past 3 years from inside the Oval Office. Time to up our game, reporters and editors of blogs, regardless of political affiliations or leanings. You obviously haven’t read my popular and widely regarded editorial letter to the New York Times of January, 2017, directing newspersons to improve their handling of news from the far right. Get up to speed or get off the air.
the new impeachment angle goes something like this:
God knows everything – past, present, future.
God was feeling pretty good about all of His creations – until He had to kick Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their disobedience. He felt something like “buyers remorse” but saw some good things in mankind. So, He decided to “wait-and-see”. God became so disappointed in His creation of man-and-woman as He watched things go from bad to worse.
One day, God realized that He had made a terrible mistake and the disobedience of Adam and Eve had paved the way for Donald Trump to one day be elected POTUS. God knew something dramatic had to be done to correct this mistake, so He decided to have his Son be born of a Virgin. Despite all the miracles His Son did and wonderful words of life spoken, the mistake still was not corrected. So, God decided something really drastic had to be done. Jesus had to die! Again feeling badly and realizing even the death of Jesus would not prevent Trump being elected, God restored Jesus to life and took Him back to heaven.
Therefore, POTUS Donald Trump is directly responsible for the torture and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Since this exact plan being discussed by Pelosi, Shumer, and Schiff was overheard by THE whistleblower, it must be true.
First of all the Pres. can fire anyone he wants and BTW he gave Mueller everything he asked for, also if he did anything criminal , Mueller’s report would have said it and then the House could act…they didn’t so what does that tell you…I mean like a vampire thirsting for blood, they would have if Mueller gave them the go ahead ! They have a CONSLUSION , IN SEARCH OF EVIDENCE ! HOW PATHETIC ARE THEY !
Have Adam Schiff make something up again. He’s an expert.
Any further impeachment attempts would be correctly interpreted by most voters as acts of desperation. That horse (impeachment) is now officially dead, and no amount of effort is likely to bring it back to life. The Democrats will further harm their election efforts by continuing on that path. They should leave it alone. But hey, let them indulge their pettiness, their petulance and most of all, their hypocrisy. There is NOTHING that Trump has been accused of that previous Democrat presidents are not guilty of, in spades.
You know there was a great letter I saw from a Navy SEAL and Marine in regards to the dim witted democrats and their impeachment garbage and he was exactly right when he said you do it and you will see the wrath of the veterans of our nation and you cannot stop us So it is up to peckerwoods to go do your job and leave the President alone this term and the next This is not a threat This is reality and we are protecting our President and we are not like antifa punks we do not have to cover our face to do our job Think about it