Covington High School Student’s First Multi-Million Lawsuit Has Been Filed…And It’s BIG!

The attorneys who represent Nick Sandmann, the high school student so well-known now for being accused of racism and violence have filed its first lawsuit of many against one of the largest purveyors of the fake news story, The Washington Post.

There, of course, has been no evidence of any wrongdoing by the student. There was racism by some Black Hebrew Israelite men at the rally, but the Democrats have conveniently ignored that little bit.

And Nathan Phillips who was the Native American man who approached the boys has been in trouble many times in the past for pulling charades like this as well.

USA Today reports that,

Kristine Coratti Kelly, the vice president of communications for The Post, said by email that the company is reviewing the lawsuit.

“We plan to mount a vigorous defense,” Coratti Kelly wrote.

The Post’s coverage is likened to a “modern-day form of McCarthyism” by Nick’s attorneys in the suit. The attorneys claim The Post competed with other national outlets to “claim leadership” of a mob of “bullies which attacked, vilified, and threatened Nicholas Sandmann.”

The lawsuit mentions that The Post practiced a form of McCarthyism by targeting Mr. Sandmann and using their resources to publish a series of false and defamatory articles ultimately to result in a more negative view of the President.

According to Fox News,

The lawsuit claims The Post “ignored the truth” about the incident and says the paper “falsely accused Nicholas of … ‘accost[ing]’ Phillips by ‘suddenly swarm[ing]’ him in a ‘threaten[ing]’ and ‘physically intimidat[ing]’ manner … ‘block[ing]’ Phillips path, refusing to allow Phillips ‘to retreat,’ ‘taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd,’ [and] chanting, ‘Build that wall,’ ‘Trump2020,’ or ‘Go back to Africa,’ and otherwise engaging in racist and improper conduct. …”Sandmann’s attorneys accuse The Post of publishing seven “false and defamatory” articles about the incident between Jan. 19 and 21 and claim the paper “knew and intended that its false and defamatory accusations would be republished by others, including media outlets and others on social media.”

This is only the first of many more lawsuits to come. There is a list of more than 50 organizations and individuals in which Sandmann’s attorneys sent preservation letters. This is just the beginning. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

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