It’s now official, Bernie Sanders has put in his name to run for President of the United States in 2020.
He’s now another name on an ever-growing list of Democrats who are running in the upcoming election.
So far, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Julian Castro, Tulsi Gabbard, Richard Ojeda, John Delaney, and Andrew Yang all have announced their bid for the upcoming election.
Others will still join in as time passes, but some possible names are Joe Biden, Howard Schultz, and Michael Bloomberg.
Some people weren’t very pleased about the announcement saying things like,
1. RELEASE YOUR TAX RETURNS. 2. Explain your vote against sanctions on Russia. 3. Explain having Tad Devine as your campaign manager,’ one person tweeted.
“You just gave the election to Trump again. Good job Bern,” another wrote.
“Hard pass Sir. It’s not (only) you. It’s your supporters,” said another.
According to NPR,
But running in 2020, Sanders could be a victim of his own success.
While Sanders provided liberal Democratic primary voters with a sharp contrast to Clinton’s political pragmatism in 2016, progressives will have no shortage of candidates to choose from in the increasingly broad and diverse 2020 field.
Most declared Democrats support Sanders’ vision of nationalized health care, more robust federal programs and policies, all funded by higher taxes on top income earners.
And in a party that has placed an increasing premium on being more representative of the broader electorate and country in recent years, many other candidates will offer voters the 77-year-old’s platform — with the added benefit of youth and diversity.
You know, I’m almost tempted to just say, “Screw it, let them have it this one time,” so the can see how disastrous these ideas are. But then I realize that they’ll just never get it. The evidence is already right in front of them, they just refuse to look at it or accept it. It’s truly a willful ignorance.
But why? Why do they ignore it?
The best reason I can come up with seems to be power. They want complete governmental power to control everything because they think it’ll help the world, but it won’t. This would absolutely make things so much worse, slow progress, create an unhappy and unproductive economy, workforce, and society. Most people just want to be left alone to pursue the “American Dream”. Just leave us alone so we can do that.
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