This is a red flag for any female looking for a urogynecologist. Medicine is the one place where they should stop with gender identities. They just unnecessarily confuse things and...
Sometimes it feels like we entered the Twilight Zone. Women should be upset about this. Rachel Levine is pulling a Caitlyn Jenner here, taking away a title that he doesn’t...
The Biden Admin has shown us how little they care about women’s rights. It was practically day one when Biden decided confused men should be able to enter female locker...
This “woke” movement really is wrong on multiple levels. In most instances it is racist, but on top of that it is also demeaning to women with their “birthing people”...
The Afghanistan fiasco is ongoing. We still have thousands of Americans stuck in Afghanistan that are depending on the kindness of the Taliban to grant them safe passage to the...
Liberals are so concerned about being inclusive and woke that they are using their lingo without realizing that it is in fact oppressive. This whole woke movement often walks all...
Biden has been like Liberal’s wet dream when it comes to the policy he has been pushing. The Biden Admin and Dems have been trying to force through Liberal legislation...
This is a massive win for the women of South Dakota. The Biden Administration really failed women in trying to pander to the LGBTQ. Biden made it so transwomen can...
Prisoners in California are about to get a taste of that special liberal leadership that has been failing the non-incarcerated citizens regularly. Governor Newsom is at it again buckling to...