Last year BLM and Antifa took to the streets, looting, vandalizing, partaking in numerous forms of violence, or as the MSM would out it “peacefully” protesting. So many blue leaders...
Last year was pathetic. BLM and Antifa attacked numerous blue cities while Dem leaders sat on their hands afraid they might be called out for police brutality as “peaceful protesters”...
Is it protest season already? Last year BLM and Antifa at least waited until it warmed up. But it looks like this year they are starting early and have already...
In the last four years under Trump we have seen our economy flourish and our border more secure than it has ever been. He has done many of the things...
On Wednesday after a Trump rally, many supporters were inspired by the president to walk over to Capitol Hill and cheer on Senators Perdue and Loeffler. It was supposed to...
The saying goes “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The protesters are up in arms tearing down civil war statues and worse now they are going...