With Russia’s Troops Ready To Invade Biden Looks To Be Stuck In A Loop

I don’t know if it is just that Biden’s dementia has kicked in here or maybe he just likes repeating himself. But whatever it is, he decided to tell Russia the same thing he did in December about severe consequences, if they dare to invade Ukraine.

Today in the United Nations Security Council, the United States presented in detail the full nature of Russia’s threat to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. And we made clear to the international community the full implications of that threat — not just for Ukraine, but for core tenets of the UN Charter and the modern international order.

If Russia is sincere about addressing our respective security concerns through dialogue, the United States and our Allies and partners will continue to engage in good faith.  If instead Russia chooses to walk away from diplomacy and attack Ukraine, Russia will bear the responsibility, and it will face swift and severe consequences.  

The United States and our Allies and partners continue to prepare for every scenario. The world must be clear-eyed about the actions Russia is threatening and ready to respond to the risks those actions present to all of us. Today’s Security Council meeting is a critical step in rallying the world to speak out in one voice:  rejecting the use of force, calling for military de-escalation, supporting diplomacy as the best path forward, and demanding accountability from every member state to refrain from military aggression against its neighbors.”

I can imagine Putin just mocking this like ‘ooh severe consequences.’ Putin must know by now that there will be consequences if he were to give the order to invade Ukraine. Biden could have better spent his time preparing some sanctions to make an actual point to Russia, that would have at least been something to make Putin pause. But the threat of severe consequences is obvious and a bit weak.

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