Will Hillary Make Another Run For The Oval Office In 2020?

Is Hillary Clinton really considering a bid at the 2020 election?

Even if she does consider losing…I mean running again, would she even be able to secure the Democratic nomination?

She shouldn’t have even had the nomination the first time. It has already been proven that she cheated to beat Bernie out of the nomination, now she’d be running against so many other women that she almost wouldn’t even start a conversation.

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny reported,

“Clinton is telling people that she’s not closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020,”

“I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying, ‘Look, I’m not closing the doors to this.’ “

“Most losing presidential candidates never totally close the doors to running for president. But I think we have to at least leave our mind open to the possibility that she is still talking about it. She wants to take on Trump. Could she win a Democratic primary to do it? I don’t know the answer to that.”

In an interview with Recode she stated,

“There’s going to be so much work to be done,”

“Well, I’d like to be president. I think, hopefully, when we have a Democrat in the Oval Office in January of 2021, there’s going to be so much work to be done. I mean we have confused everybody in the world, including ourselves. We have confused our friends and our enemies. They have no idea what the United States stands for, what we’re likely to do, what we think is important, so the work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been at the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department, and it’s just going to be a lot of heavy lifting.”

My guess is that with the potential Democratic candidates who have already announced their bid in 2020, Hillary will be out of the question.

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8 thoughts on “Will Hillary Make Another Run For The Oval Office In 2020?”
  1. If the report is true hillery cant run for president if she is a canchlor of a college in scotland. conflict of interest would be the charge. that’s what i’ve heard , working for a foreign country school

  2. If Wicked Hillary runs a third campaign this year, it will hasten her passing away. This is a stressful suicide attempt she is doing to herself.

  3. Of course she’s going to run. She has to. Russia is almost out of uranium and Iran already has spent most of the money that Obama sent. In addition, Slick Willy may be in need of a Presidential Pardon.

  4. First, she can’t run. hell, she can hardly walk. The SS guys have to pick her worless ass up all the time. Bedsides, this time around there are too many running. She can’t rig it.

  5. She’s got the gall! When will this liABILITY disappear from our sight?
    After the CORRUPTION of emails, selling URANIUM to Putin, paying for the Steele dossier, The Benghazi fiasco and murder, etc etc, she isnt ashamed of appearing in public?

  6. As stupid as the left wing nuts are … I’am more then sure their not that stupid . If it ended as bad as it befor in 2016 … can you imagine how bad things will be for her now in 2020 . But then you never know with the left wing nuts . They are pretty stupid and don’t know how to give up on anything . And hillary lost her mind along time ago . She even changed sides now … from men to women . It’s one of the reasons old Billy runs to the island for sex with kids . 28 times if Iam not wrong . And don’t forget all the women the government payed off to shut them up .


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