During an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Cory Booker talked about civility in politics, though it wasn’t civil at all.
He tells a story about an event he was holding where someone went up to him and told him that he wanted Booker to punch Donald Trump in the face.
“And I stop in my tracks and I go, ‘Dude, that’s a felony, man,'” Booker said.
Booker then went on to say how Trump is someone who “hurts you and my testosterone sometimes makes me want feel link punching him, which would be bad for this elderly, out-of-shape man that he is if I did that.”
“This physically weak specimen,” Booker said, as the audience cheered over his insult.
“That’s his tactics. And you don’t beat a bully like him fighting him on his tactics, on his terms, using his turf. He’s the body shamer. He’s the guy that tries to drag people in the gutter.”
“What we need from our next leader, especially after the time of moral vandalism that we’re in right now, is we need a leader who’s not going to call us to the worst of who we are, but who is going to call us to the best of who we are.”
Let me mention something about Cory Booker and his testosterone…he has none.
He says that these bully tactics are Trump’s way of doing things, but when has the President ever punched someone in the face?
Also, Booker says that Trump calls us to be the worst of who we are…what? The only people who are acting their worst are the Democrats. Democratic media make up fake news stories to lie about the President, they incite violence against people, they scream, spit, kick, steal, etc. They absolutely act their worst because of their disgusting hatred for the President.
So the only thing Cory Booker could do is talk like a bully about the President? Since when did our society decide it’s appropriate to talk about beating up the President?
This guy so soft it’s unreal.
According to USA Today,
Like most of the 2020 Democratic field, Booker has been fiercely critical of Trump. He has called for the opening of impeachment proceedings against the president in light of the results of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. And after Trump’s call for four congresswomen of color to “go back” to their countries of origin, he said the president is “worse than a racist.”
“He is actually using racist tropes and racial language for political gains, trying to use this as a weapon to divide our nation against itself,” Booker said Sunday on CNN, calling the 2020 election “a referendum on the heart and soul of our country.”
Booker is not the only one of the Democratic candidates who has indicated a desire to physically fight Trump.
In October 2016, then-Vice President Joe Biden said he wished they were back in high school so he could take Trump “behind the gym.”
First of all, who is Joe Biden kidding with that? What is he planning to do exactly with Trump “behind the gym”? Knowing Biden’s history of sexual misconduct, there’s no telling what he might have tried to do.
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