WATCH: CBS Host Cuts Don Jr Off Several Times, Then He Lets Her Have It!

After watching the debate between President Trump and former vp Joe Biden, the liberal mainstream media was desperate to find a win for Sleepy Joe. So desperate in fact, that CBS hosts attempted to lead the President’s son in an interview, repeatedly cutting him off, and telling him how he should feel about this week’s debate.

Hosts John Dickerson, Norah O’Donnell, and Gayle King were absolutely foaming at the mouth to make it seem like Trump was unhinged, unruly, and ‘nervous’:

Norah O’Donnell had a loaded and hostile question for Don Jr. out of the gate. She concluded that President Trump was combative because he was “nervous” Biden was going to win: “Was that part of the nervousness that you think happened with the president tonight? Is that why he kept interrupting Joe Biden and also trying to steamroll the moderator?” she posed.

Ironically, without listening to Don Jr’s answers O’Donnell tried to cut him off multiple times. Even as he explained how proud he was of the President’s performance during the debate.

Don Jr, who was visibly growing tired of the clear bias, dropped the Biden-bomb on the CBS host while pointing out the media’s prejudices:

“Why keep talking about that? Why not talk about the policies for the American people?” she interrupted.  Trump Jr. gave the obvious answer: “Because we have to even the playing field, Norah.”

But O’Donnell didn’t want an even playing field, so she kept interrupting. “No but I mean, how to help people. Why not talk about the plan for that, how to help people?”, O’Donnell interjected. This time, Trump Jr let her have it.



NORAH O DONNELL: We’ve witnessed the national polls for the last several months with Joe Biden ahead by double digits. We see in Ohio now that Joe Biden closing in on a state that your father one handily. Was that part of the nervousness that you think happened with the president tonight? Is that why he kept interrupting Joe Biden and also trying to steamroll the moderator?

DONALD TRUMP JR: No, I think it’s because Donald Trump is a fighter. He’s been fighting for the American people. He’s taken heat and hits. I know personally, right. You know well that I did 30 hours of testimony for doing a fraction of what, let’s say, Hunter Biden did. Now there’s an actual link to Russia. There’s an actual link to Vladimir Putin to the tune of $3.5 million to the Biden family and I think what my father—

O’DONNELL: Why keep talking about that? Why not talk about the policies for the American people? People are hurting because of coronavirus  because their kids are not in school–

TRUMP JR: Because we have to even the playing field, Norah—

O’DONNELL: No but I mean, how to help people. Why not talk about the plan for that, how to help people?

TRUMP JR: Why would it happen to one side but it’s totally ignored by the other? I think you have to put that into perspective. Donald Trump, you talk about racism, that was a big topic. Donald Trump did prison reform, Donald Trump created opportunity zones, Donald Trump did the first-step act. Why didn’t Joe Biden do it? He cares so much about it, he didn’t do anything about it 47 years. I would have thought if he cared about the issue, as the vice president to the first African American president he would but he won’t because he wants to pander and that’s the reality. When I look at my father and he take that stance, it’s because he hasn’t been treated fairly in these things. If you look at the differences on similar issues, the way it’s handled, Joe Biden can get away with murder because the mainstream media—

GAYLE KING: Don, here’s a subject–

TRUMP JR: The media has decided to be the marketing arm of the D.N.C.

GAYLE KING:  Don, here’s a subject a lot of people care about, black and white, hate groups. Proud Boys, is considered a hate group. Your father told them tonight, “Stand down and stand by.” He didn’t just condemn white supremacist groups. And what does he mean by “Stand by? What is that?

TRUMP JR: I don’t know what stand by–he said to stand down. He said, more than happy to condemn them–

KING: He said stand by.

TRUMP JR: I don’t know if that was a misspeak but he was  talking about having them stand down. Joe Biden is continually able to talk about the Charlottesville hoax, take a fragment of a quote, the media will run with it as though it’s gospel and pretend that it’s true. Anyone who is reasonable. Anyone who watches the entire thing understands that not only did he disclaim before that—

KING: Were you proud of your dad’s performance tonight, Don, ?


KING: Don, Don Jr., are you proud?

TRUMP JR: I’m always proud of his performance. I think he’s fighting hard for the American people.

KING: Alright

TRUMP:–It’s why he’s gotten peace deals done in the Middle East,  the holy grail of geopolitical politics. Everyone talks about it, no one has actually done it but Trump. It’s why he’s been able to pull us out out of these endless wars. Because he doesn’t just get streamrolled by everyone who wants to take advantage of him. That’s why Joe Biden has a 47-year record in D.C. where you can’t name an accomplishment of his.  You can’t. And that’s a problem. If Joe Biden could have fixed anything, Gayle, by now he would have done it.

NORAH O’DONNELL: Alright, [scoffs] um–

TRUMP JR: You don’t wait 50 years to start. But again when you have a mainstream media that will be your boosters and your natural —

O’DONNELL: We are going to talk about– we’re going to talk about policies that affect Americans and Don, Donald Trump, Jr., thank you so much for joining us. We’re going to have a poll coming up. Please stay with us. We want to see who the American people think won this debate. And also in the interest of fairness,  the Republican side provided Don Trump Jr. The democratic side provided the democratic vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. We’ll speak with her right after the break.


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