The MSM and Dems have called this election for Biden. They want Americans to think that it is a done deal, but that is by no means the case. We still have a chance here. The Electoral college is supposed to vote for the candidate that gets the most votes. So right now with the claims of voter fraud and corruption, it may very well be that they were misled by treacherous Dems, therefore casting their votes under false pretenses. Newt Gingrich agrees that this race far from over and said as much in a recent article.
“Based on current, uncertified vote totals, every major news organization is projecting that Biden will be the president of the United States in January.
However, the media don’t decide elections. Votes are still being counted. According to The Associated Press, four states (Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) are within 1 percent. No recounts have started, and challenges (which will ultimately play out) are being ignored.
This has been astounding to watch.
Callista and I were at the White House on election night and into early Wednesday morning, and the president was ahead in most of the key battleground states. But then suddenly vote-counting stopped. We couldn’t figure out what was happening.
And when we got up in the morning, we saw that hundreds of thousands of ballots suddenly appeared, almost all of them for Biden. Now, you can rationalize that development however you want, but at the least it’s suspicious and worthy of further investigation.”
“The integrity of our elections is in jeopardy, and we need to ensure that our electoral process does not become delegitimized beyond repair.
Also, brace yourself as the entire national establishment rushes to embrace Biden as president-elect…”
It’s crazy that the votes are not all counted yet and somehow the MSM/Dems have declared that Biden won. Trump has vowed to fight for the presidency and has sent forth his legal team to get to the bottom of the claims of corruption. So there is still a chance that we can get four more years of making America great.
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