During her speaking time at the SXSW Conference over the weekend, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made yet another stupid claim.
She says that robots are taking over more and more of our jobs and that we should be happy about it.
Ocasio-Cortez says that with robots and automation gradually filling more occupations, people will have time to pursue their “creative passions”.
How are you supposed to do that when you don’t have any money because a robot took your job? And creative passions don’t really pay the bills. Sure there are some, but you don’t go to school to get a degree in watercolor painting and make $75,000/year.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates has mentioned the idea of taxing robots at 90% in order to make up for lost income for workers who are impacted by the automation.
Ocasio-Cortez said something along the same lines, “Whether it’s a tax rate, whether it’s distributing wealth that’s created by automation – if we approach solutions to our systems and start entertaining ideas like that, then we should be excited about automation because of what it could potentially mean.”
Watch the video below:
According to Breitbart,
About 85 percent of Americans said they support the federal government putting restrictions on the types of jobs that employers can automate, like dirty and dangerous jobs, supporting an economic nationalist agenda when it comes to the issue, Pew Research polling has found.
Nearly 60 percent of Americans said the federal government should place limits on the number of jobs in which a business can replace a U.S. worker with a machine. About 70 percent of the country’s working class, those with or without a high school degree, agree that the mass displacement of American workers through automation should be stopped with regulation by the federal government.
I used to work for a company that increasingly increased its automation. How’d that turn out for everyone? People started getting laid off over a period of a few years until they finally closed the place down and moved everything to another facility. Is this what we want for America?
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