After all the news coverage recently for the two shooters in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, you think we would have been hearing a lot more about the shooter from the shooting in Philadelphia as well.
As it is, there are two reasons primarily as to why we’re not hearing more about this one in the media.
The first reason is that this was a black man and we all know that all mass shooters are crazy white men who are Trump supporters, right?
He also has a long criminal history as well. He’s been arrested about a dozen times since he was 18 years old and convicted six times on charges involving illegals possession of guns and aggravated assault.
Secondly, he was a Muslim. But not only was he a Muslim, but he was also a radical Muslim and attended a radical Islamic mosque.
Of course, the media can’t say those words and they wouldn’t want them to look bad anyway or get accused of being Islamophobes.
According to Clarion Project,
Maurice Hill, the criminal who wounded six police officers in a shootout in Philadelphia and was arrested after a seven-hour standoff, attended a radical mosque.
The mosque, called Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar, is known for preaching the Islamist ideology promoted by Saudi Arabia referred to as “Wahhabism.”
Clarion Intelligence Network has been aware through its sources that the area where the shootings took place is known for trafficking in guns, drugs and counterfeit items. This criminal market has a strong Islamist element that includes extremist gangs.
Hill’s older sister said he “occasionally attended” an unnamed mosque, confirming initial reports from our sources that Hill is a Muslim. The sources do not yet have first-hand evidence of the shooter being personally involved in Islamist extremism.
Clarion Intel’s sources report that Masjid Ahlil Hadith Wal Athar is a Salafi mosque which follows the theocratic teachings of Saudi Arabia’s top Wahhabist scholars.
This man should be treated just like any other mass shooter and it shouldn’t matter if he’s black or white or any color in between, the media should treat everyone equally and stop dividing America.
Photo Credit: YouTube
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