Blue States like California and New York have a serious homeless problem and in typical Dem fashion, they are trying to now blame Trump for their inability to handle it. It’s almost comical that they think that Trump is somehow to blame as their homeless problems are by no means new, they have simply become soo out of control that they are making Dems look bad. So of course now homelessness is a priority. But Trump did not take these accusations sitting down and responded on Twitter.
“Governor Gavin N has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California. If he can’t fix the problem, the Federal Govt. will get involved!”
He then told Dems the one thing they would have to do in order for Trump to come and save them from their incompetence.
“California and New York must do something about their TREMENDOUS Homeless problems. They are setting records! If their Governors can’t handle the situation, which they should be able to do very easily, they must call and “politely” ask for help. Would be so easy with competence!”
Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren brought the accusing Dems to Trump’s attention when she posted about how Gavin Newsom was trying to say that Trump was doing nothing to fix the homeless problem.
“Take accountability, Gavin. This is your state and you and your democratic cohorts created this mess. You can’t blame
In spin room at #DemDebate, @GavinNewsom slams Trump Administration and HUD for doing “nothing” on “housing first,” the priority to solve homelessness.
— Carla ‘Bluechecked’ Marinucci (@cmarinucci) December 20, 2019
“Los Angeles County now boasts nearly 59,000 homeless, a 12 percent increase from last year. In the city itself, there are over 36,000 homeless, representing a 16 percent increase. The city estimates that 75 percent of this number, roughly 44,000 citizens, live outdoors.
It’s not only Los Angeles. Orange County has noted a 42 percent uptick in homeless residents, mostly due to new, more comprehensive counting measures. In nearby Alameda County, the number of homeless is up 43 percent; in Kern County, a whopping 50 percent. Further upstate, San Francisco’s homeless population has seen a 17 percent increase.”
Looks like Newsom is about to be surprised if he can simply man up and ask for help.
Why should the Federal government (tax payers ) have to fix California or any “sanctuary “ city problem ??? They created it let them pay for it, maybe the voters will think twice before voting for democrats !!!
It won’t stop them from voting Democrat. In fact, they will just vote for MORE Democrats in federal office so they can be assured that their self created problems fall on the shoulders of the WHOLE country via federal mandate rather than on their own shoulders. Democrats are not big on personal responsibility and most honestly believe that every solution begins with bigger government and higher taxes.
I agree. We are always bailing out California. If the voters can’t change the way they vote then they have to eat their governments policies. Gavin Newsome is an enemy of the people of California and Californians of all political stripes need to take the State back, I find it offensive basically saying that his homelessness problem is my problem. No sir your policies are the problem and now you want me to help fix it. Listen I live half time in New York. We have a turd of a governor who is an east cost Gavin Newsome. There again NYC put him in office and there is little hope for a change. Until the American people wise up then all of us no matter where we reside will have to pay for these states own doing. It’s not right and I would encourage this President to allow these governors to either change or take their states to new heights of poverty and disease. If it continues maybe enough Californians who really care will vote the POS out of office. California, New York and Illinois are all bankrupt because of lousy leadership. Let them all wallow in their misery. Don’t bring the rest of the nation into it. They dug the hole, let them refill the hole.
California id “DONE”!, stick a fork in it! The Central Valley has sunk up to 28 feet since 1928! They have 10,000 earthquakes every year! Water supplies are down 40 feet in the lake that supplies drinking water! The aquifer is down to over 350 feet, and up to over 3,000 feet in places. The farmers are running diesel pumps 24/7 to water their crops! This can’t continue, so get smart and start growing food where possible. One big earthquake will cause huge problems that will not be able to be fixed in a decade! More people leave the state than any other. Shows some are smart!
make newsome get down oh his knees and ask for help
Good one
He only gets on his knees for one reason and it’s not prayer.
Nice ad hominem attack. So are you the one he’s in front of?
Would California “PLEASE” secede from the United States? Or Donald, build a 20 foot concrete wall around it? Then fill it with ocean water! Give them warning that when the wall is done, the water starts? I’d gladly help any Republican that left.
I hate to agree with Tom Steyer, when masked about Californias homeless said we need regime change, YES CALIFORNIA regime change!!
IF I WERE A CALIFORNIAN AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THAT THESE BRAYING JACKASS DEMOCRATS HAVE IMPOSED IN SHEER STUPIDITY UPON ALL THEIR CITIZENS, I WOULD BE LEADING AN ARMED REVOLT TO GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY OTHER THAN THAT TO GET RID OF THEM WHEN THEY USE ILLEGALS AND OTHER FALSE VOTES TO REMAIN IN OFFICE AND THE PARTY NATIONALLY IS PLANNING ON USING THIS TACTIC AND OTHERS TO UNSEAT PRESIDENT TRUMP IN 2020.!THERE IS NOTHING AT all American about any of these treasonous trolls under chapter 18 f the U.S. code defining their acts in many cases as either seditious or high treasonous! If they could be held BOTH responsible and accountable as the law and DUE PROCESS reuire, few if any of them would be long remaining in Office and that includes career parasites like Schiff, Pelosi, Feinstein and Waters who attack all freedoms which challenge their CONTROL such as the 1st and 2nd Amendments. the 4th and 6th and the 14th. I my consodered opinion: were DUE PROCESS to be exercised on them after indictment and the filing of formal charges AGAINST them, hey would NEVER see any elective office again; any of them!
No danger of the Fed’s ever getting involved — when did you EVER hear a democrat admitting that they were wrong OR made a mistake ???
maybe it’s time we get rid of the Democratic Party! If you look, you’ll see that since this country has been formed, the democrats have done nothing but steal taxpayer dollars, and tried to keep everyone in poverty! It was the Democrats that started Slavery! It was the Democrats that started Welfare! It was the Democrats that turned prison into the Long Poke Country Club! It was the Democrats that cost so many Americans their jobs! It was the Democrats that made so many Americans homeless! It was democrats that put us in every war we’ve been in! It’s Democrats that have gotten so many Americans killed in their own back yards! Now can you tell me one good thing that Democrats have given Americans? Just one good thing! Think hard!
How the he’ll do these career politicians blame Trump for anything? They are such a joke
Pharaoh Gavin Newsom is an oppressive dictator running California into ruins for most Americans there. He only wants the uber rich elites in few numbers and the rest being illegals, criminals and terrorists there in his state. Anyone else has to live homeless because he is for the leftists capitalists coming to his state to raise the rents 2X and throw people out on the streets. Pharaoh Newsom and the Democrats profit greatly from the hyper epidemic of poverty and homelessness in order to reduce the states population and gather its riches for the few in this Sanctuary state.
So glad to hear and see President Trump shoving Newsom’s nose in the pile of feces created from his own poop shoot.
California has a huge mess on its hands which the state has created and promoted by the stupid act of allowing illegals to swamp them. We saw it coming and we don’t want any part of it. Deport all those illegal people, children, pregnant hatchers, criminals, terrorists and don’t forget the dead who vote to start on your problem. No sanctuary for law breakers or scoffers. OUT. Taxpaying working citizens and retired do not want to pay for your disdain of the law. Too busy hating to prevent the burning and seige by criminals.
It’s typical for demonrats to blame republicans for the crap they do…or in this case, don’t do.
One can plainly see this man is a fraud. He campaigned on helping the citizens of California but will not keep his word. President Trump has offered federal assistance to help solve the problem and this fraud refuses to help his citizens. What else could you possibly think? Either you are a man of your word or you are a fraud.
Well the sanctuary state, city and county resist POTUS Trump movement results, have come home to roost demo-commies. My bet ! Most of the homeless are illegals. Who flooded these sanctuary areas because they were welcomed there and knew they would be safe from ICE. Since these demo-commie controlled areas, made it clear they wouldn’t co-operate with the Feds.
Well demo-commies. You made the MESS ! Clean it up !
Whoever wrote this article gets an “Fail” on geography. Alameda County is on the east side of San Francisco Bay approximately 400 miles north of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Kern County (Bakersfield) is about halfway in between.