Trump Kicks Off Rally With Guns Drawn and BLASTING Democrats

President Trump officially kicked off his 2020 re-election campaign Tuesday night with a rally in Orlando, Florida.

It was definitely a marvelous sight to behold. People showed up as much as 40 hours before the rally even began!

The crowds chanted “USA” as Trump came on stage. They chanted, “Lock her up” when he spoke about Hillary Clinton saying,

“If you want to know how the system is rigged, just look at how they came at us for three years with everything they had, versus the free pass they gave to Hillary and her aides after they set up an illegal server, destroyed evidence, deleted and acid-washed 33,000 emails, exposed classified information, and turned the State Department into a pay-for-play cash machine.

33,000 emails deleted, think of it!” Trump said. “You know, there was a lot of corruption on the other side. But, you know, they get a subpoena from the United States Congress, and they decide they’re not gonna give it, so, Lindsey Graham, they delete and they acid wash — which is very expensive, nobody does it — those emails, never to be seen again!

But we may find them again somewhere deep in the State Department. Can you imagine if I got a subpoena? Think of this — if I deleted one email, like a love note to Melania, it’s the electric chair for Trump.”

President Trump blasted the Dems for their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh:

The president emphasized his success in appointing federal judges, and lamented Democrats’ treatment of now-Justice Brett Kavanuagh, telling the crowd, “They didnt just try to win, they tried to destroy him with false and malicious accusations” in the name of “political dominance and control.”

Trump called Kavanaugh a “great gentleman” who is “highly respected” throughout the judiciary, and said Democrats also targeted his family. Kavanuagh, speaking to Fox News last year, said his wife had received numerous death threats.

“Just imagine what this angry left-wing mob would do if they were in charge of this country,” Trump said. (Fox News)

He went on to address his achievements such as confirming judge number 107, the great economic growth, and low unemployment.

But he made sure to speak about some Democratic candidates as well, including Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.

You can watch the full rally below:

Photo Credit: YouTube/Fox News

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