The Trump administration has lifted an Obama-era ban on religious symbols, such as Bibles and Christmas trees, from veterans hospitals.
The ban was put in place during the Obama administration as part of a directive to “protect religious liberty” for veterans and their families by ensuring so-called “inclusivity” and “nondiscrimination.”
I hate to break it to them, but this is the opposite of protecting religious liberty. When you ban Bibles, you’re not protecting Christianity, you’re banning it.
In no way whatsoever does prohibiting the use of something protect it. Liberals are wanting to prohibit semi-automatic guns and I can guarantee you that it’s not so they can protect the freedom to use the guns or to protect the second amendment.
It’s easy to bring to light the absurdity of liberal arguments when you reduce it to its complexity and carry the principle over to another related topic.
According to Daily Signal,
The new guidelines call for “inclusion in appropriate circumstances of religious content in publicly accessible displays at VA facilities,” and allow “patients and their guests to request and be provided religious literature, symbols and sacred texts during visits to VA chapels and during their treatment at VA.”
The guidelines also allow the VA to accept donations of religious literature, cards, and symbols at its facilities, and to distribute them to VA patrons “under appropriate circumstances.”
“Under the old regime, you couldn’t have those outward symbols,” Wilkie said. “You could not have religious texts in the chapels unless you brought them. The chaplains could not walk the halls seeking people to talk with. There had to be a specific request.”
Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie said, “One of my fondest memories growing up, we used to sing Christmas carols at the VA hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Something as simple and as decent as that was being stopped. With the support of the president, we just said enough is enough.”
Now, the Trump administration has updated the policies to actually protect the religious freedom of veterans and their families.
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