The CNN Ship Is Sinking With Worst Ratings Since 2015, Guess Who’s On Top?

CNN has become synonymous with Fake News.

They have been caught on numerous occasions faking stories, even staging them. They’ve also reported inaccurate information for years and it wasn’t until President Trump called them out on it that people have finally started to wake up from their brainwashing of America and realize that CNN is a terrible news network.

The news outlet is full of hate for the President and wants to discredit him and make him look bad above all else.

Now they are finally reaping the fruit of their labor.

For some time now, CNN’s ratings have been going down. At the same time, Fox News Channel’s ratings have been going up.

Based on Nielsen Media Research data, Fox News had an average of 2.4 million viewers in the primetime slot and 1.4 million during the day.

In fact, CNN’s numbers are the lowest that they’ve been since August 2015.

According to Fox News,

Additionally, FNC’s regularly scheduled programming beat out CNN’s five-hour town hall event on April 22, bringing in 2.3 million viewers and 380,000 in the 25-54 age demo while CNN came in last in total viewers with 1.2 million and 371,00 in the demo for the night.

FNC averaged 2.4 million in primetime, beating CNN’s 767,000 and MSNBC’s 1,660,000 total viewers. For the 25-54 demo, FNC brought in 389,000, topping CNN’s 198,000 and MSNBC’s 255,000.

People are tired of CNN’s garbage “news” reports all the time and now they’re finally seeing right through their fakery, lies, and intentional deception.

Fox News has actually dominated CNN and MSNBC for 208 months in a row in two categories: average primetime viewers and the key demographic of 25-54.

These numbers really are encouraging and it definitely shows a shift in the culture and way of thinking in America.

More Americans, even the younger generation, are becoming “woke” to the propaganda put out by the mainstream media on a daily basis.

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