President Trump is truly the master of the deal.
Over the weekend, President Trump had given Mexico a warning that the United States would begin imposing tariffs beginning Monday if the country did not actively do something to help prevent the mass migration of people from Mexico to the U.S.
Mexico made the smart move to avoid the tariffs and decided to deploy 6,000 Mexican National Guard troops to Mexico’s southern border in an effort to help the U.S. reduce or even eliminate the massive flow of migrants coming in from other countries but passing through Mexico in the process.
According to The Daily Wire,
Trump noted that the most difficult part of negotiations with the Mexican government was over Mexico’s border control. The United States asked Mexico to implement a plan to shut off or heavily police the country’s southern border with Guatemala, to head off thousand-person “migrant caravans,” which amass in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, before they cross into Mexico and become difficult for Mexican authorities to handle.
Democrats tried to sour what was clearly a victory for the Trump Administration by claiming that the Mexican government had already agreed to police Mexico’s southern border more aggressively, but despite discussions about the matter back in February — when Mexico voted to create the 60,000-strong National Guard — last week’s deal was the first time a specific troop commitment has been made in regard to border control.
This was a necessary move on the part of the President. He needed to put some pressure on Mexico to do something to aid in this problem because Mexico was just letting it happen on their watch and just turning a blind eye.
Well, Obama is no longer in office and this President doesn’t mess around. He means business and expects a good deal to be mutually beneficial.
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